Reading Time: 4 minutes [565 words]

C. E. POLLARD, sworn for the Defendant.

I am an expert accountant. I was called into this matter for the purpose of seeing the length of time it would take to gather these figures and get the result on the financial sheet and other papers that were furnished me. I studied each sheet and when I was sure of what the result would be I would lay that sheet down and make a copy of it. I would take time myself for each operation. There was a discrepancy of one and one-half gross on the factory records in the figures, out of 2765 1/2 gross, (Defendant's Exhibit 2). It was an immaterial error. The minimum time that

I could do that work in I found to be three hours and 11 minutes, that

was as quick as I could do it. If I had been interrupted in my work, of

course it would have taken me longer. I have been an expert accountant

for 15 or 16 years. The mistake that I found occurred on the Saturday

of the week before. It was not Frank's mistake, but somebody else compiled the figures for that week. There is another trifling mistake under

the head of "value of products, pencils packed" that did not figure the

same as mine. Those are the only two mistakes I found on the whole

financial sheet-a mistake of 50c. and a gross and a half of pencils.


In making my experiment of how long it would take, I was furnished

with all my data. I didn't have to get up any of the data. I am considered

rapid in my work. The mistake of one and a half gross occurred on

April 18th and 19th. I don't know whose mistake it was. Anybody can

work on his books with a great deal more ease than an outsider can. The

mistake I mentioned did not make the other calculations wrong, the other

calculations were all right. The mistake grew out of just one multiplication.

In multiplying 791 gross at 50.1 cents, Frank made the total $396. 75, instead of $396.29.


In making out this sheet Mr. Frank had to make about 40 multiplications, 160 additions. The mistake is not a serious one.

HERBERT G. SCHIFF, recalled for cross examination.

`The books show that $4 was loaned to Arthur White. I made the entry

in the book. The $2. was for what Mr. Frank loaned him that day

and $2.00 loaned him the middle of next week. As to where the entry is

that Mr. Frank lent Arthur White $2. these slips are not kept after we

take it off. After the pay roll is made we destroy those. The books show

that this $2. was added to the other $2. There was approximately

$1100. paid off on Friday on the pay roll. There was about 5 or 6 envelopes left over, not called for. The numbers go on different places on

the envelopes. The clocks we have now are the same we had when Gantt

was there. Whenever there was any trouble we phoned for a man to look

after the clock.


Whenever accidents would happen in the factory we would have the

person come to the office, to the outer office, where we would bandage

their hands with the few medical supplies we keep there. Then we make

a report to the insurance company as to the cause of the accident and any

witnesses. We always found the clocks kept good time.

C E POLLARD, Sworn In For The State, 40th To Testify

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