Reading Time: 3 minutes [403 words]

MISS MARY PIRK, sworn for the Defendant.

I am one of the foreladies working at the National Pencil Co. I am

at the head of the polishing department. I have been there about five

years. I talked with Jim Conley Monday morning after the murder. I

accused him of the murder. He took his broom and walked right out of

the office and I have never seen him since. His character for truth and

for veracity is bad. I would not believe him on oath.


I suspected Jim as early as Monday April 28th. I did not report it

to Mr. Frank then. I don't know why I didn't. I knew that Gantt and

Newt Lee and Mr. Frank had been arrested. Yes, I have never said anything about it to anybody. I suspected Jim because he looked and acted

so different. I told Mr. Arnold and Mr. Rosser about it when they asked

me about it. That was after Jim was arrested. Jim acted very peculiar

but I thought best not to say anything about it. I knew the company was

anxious to get the murderer but I just didn't mention it. I don't know

why. I mentioned it to several of the girls standing around, Miss Denham,

Miss Mc Cord, Mrs. Johns and several others. I accused Jim before

I saw the blood at the ladies' dressing room. It was all smeared

over with some kind of white stuff. It covered about two feet in area. I

mentioned it to the girls before Jim was arrested. I am not sure whether

it was before or after. It was after the coroner's inquest. I have seen

several spots in the factory that looked like that spot many times. All

kinds of spots. I have seen spots before that looked like that. I don't

exactly know when. My opinion is that Mr. Frank is a perfect gentleman.

I always found him to be one in my dealings with him. I have

never heard any of the girls say anything about him. I have never heard

of a single thing immoral that he did do in those five years. I have never heard of his going in the girls' dressing room. I have never heard of his slapping them as he would go by. I have never heard Mr. Frank talk to Mary. I have never heard of the time Mr. Frank had her off in the corner there when she was trying to go back to work.

MISS MARY PIRK, Sworn In For The State, 62nd To Testify

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