Reading Time: 3 minutes [397 words]

ARTHUR PRIDE (colored), sworn for the Defendant.

I worked on the second floor of the factory. On Saturdays I work all

over the factory, doing anything that is necessary. Beginning with July

of last year I have not missed a single Saturday afternoon at the factory.

I would work until about half past four. I have never seen any women

come up there and see Mr. Frank, or any drinking going on there, or seen

Jim Conley sitting and watching the door. The employees used the back stairs leading from the metal room to the third floor. You can hear the elevator running if the machinery is not running. It makes a roaring

noise and you can hear it on any floor. The motor makes a noise, and

you can see the wheels moving on the fourth floor. I know Jim Conley's

general character for truth and veracity; it is bad. I would not believe

him on oath. I wouldn't believe him on oath, because him and his whole

family lied to me.


I never associated with Jim. No, I ain't a high-class nigger, but I

am a different grade from him. He had three or four watches and I

bought one and I made him show me a receipt marked paid in full, and

he sold me the watch and after that they come and got him to put him in

jail about it, and then his whole family came and said if I would give the

watch back, that they would pay the debt, and I gave the watch back and

after they had released him, the family just said they done that to get the

watch and they were done with it, and there wasn't any way for me to get

it, but he swore to me it was paid in full. I haven't heard anything else

said against him. I never paid any special attention to the elevator during

business hours, but you could hear it all the time when the factory

wasn't running. It didn't shake the building. You could hear the elevator

when the wind blows. You could hear the elevator if the machinery

wasn't running even if they are hammering.


I haven't missed a single day in five years, that I have been working

with the factory. Yes, I say that Jim Conley forged a receipt on me for

a watch. I let him have $4. 50 on it, and I never got my money back.

ARTHUR PRIDE, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 86th To Testify

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