Reading Time: 2 minutes [264 words]

J. R. LEACH, sworn for the Defendant.

I am division superintendent of the Ga. Rwy. & Power Co.

I know the schedule of the Georgia Avenue line and the Washington Street line.

The Georgia Avenue line leaves Broad and Marietta on the hour and every ten minutes.

It takes two minutes to go from Broad and Marietta to the corner of Whitehall and Alabama.

It takes 12 or 13 minutes to run from Broad and Marietta to the corner of Georgia Avenue and Washington Street, about ten minutes from Whitehall and Alabama to Georgia Avenue and Washington Street.

The Washington Street car leaves Broad and Marietta two minutes after the hour and every ten minutes.

It gets to the corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets in two minutes and it takes ten minutes from Whitehall and Alabama to Washington and Georgia Avenue and ten minutes from Glenn and Washington Streets into center of the city.


The men come in ahead of the schedule time.

I suspended a man last week for coming in ahead of time.

It happens that cars come in ahead of time.

You sometimes catch the men in ahead of time when they are going to be relieved.

It isn't a matter of impossibility to keep the men from coming in ahead of time, but we do have it.

The English Avenue line is a hard schedule.

It frequently happens that the English Avenue car cuts off the River car, and the Marietta car.

I have seen the English Avenue car cut off the Fair Street car, which is due at five after the hour.

J R LEACH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 112th To Testify

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