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The Atlanta Journal,

Tuesday, 16th September 1913,


Big Meeting of

Interested Or-

ganizations Has Been


posed for

December 10

A movement to gain the co-operation of the various

organizations raising a fund for a Mary Phagan monument has

been placed on foot by Camp No. 763, United Confederate

Veterans of Marietta. A meeting of delegates from each of the

bodies interested in the work is advocated. J. Gid Morris,

commander of Camp No. 763, has offered his home for the

purpose on December 10. It is proposed at the same time to

make tentative plans for the erection of the shaft in time for its

unveiling on Confederate Memorial day, April 26, 1914, the first

anniversary of her death.

At the regular monthly meeting of the camp in Marietta

recently $5 was contributed toward the fund by the camp. It was

then suggested that every veteran donate 25 cents. This

suggestion was enthusiastically received and before the meeting

closed $40 had been subscribed.

The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Atlanta lodge, No.

720, already has begun a subscription for the purpose. Also have

several other organizations. All of these are asked to send

delegates to the meeting on December 10, either at Mr. Morris'

home or at a place more convenient. The veterans are receiving

and acknowledging contributions by mail. All contributions should

be sent to Camp No. 763, U. C. V., Marietta, Ga.

Tuesday, 16th September 1913: Veterans Urge Funds For Phagan Monument, The Atlanta Journal

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