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The Atlanta Journal,

Saturday, 11th October 1913,


They Hope to Have Their Case Ready by Next Saturday (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)

ALDOSTA, Ga., Oct. 11.

Solicitor Hugh Dorsey and Assistant Solicitor A. E. Stephens are working on the Frank case today, and will finish the brief tonight.

They hope to get through with the motion by Tuesday, and devote the balance of next week to law and facts in the case.

They will also have to get affidavits from jurors and others.

Juror Henslee is expected here to spend Sunday on a visit to his brother-in-law and incidentally to see Messrs.

Dorsey and Stephens.

They hope to have their case ready by next Saturday, but there is doubt that it will be ready before some day between then and the next Saturday.


Declares Fences at Broad and Alabama Streets Obstruct

Traffic Mayor Woodward Saturday called on Chief of Police Beavers requesting that he order the A. W. Calhoun estate to tear down the fences which have been put up at the corner of Broad and Alabama streets prior to remodeling the building on that corner.

The mayor stated that the owners had exceeded their privilege in that they put up a barrier nearly to the street car tracks instead of merely taking in the sidewalk; and when the matter came to his attention he promptly demanded that the obstruction be removed from the street.

"It is outrageous," said Mayor Woodward, "that traffic would be obstructed every time somebody wants to do a little moving around.

Council has no right, anyway, I believe, legally to grant permits for the blocking up of the sidewalks even, and most certainly there is no excuse for allowing such fences to extend out into the streets I had had a number of complaints about this particular obstruction and had seen it myself, so when I came across the resolution passed by council Monday and found out that it authorized the taking in of the sidewalk only, I immediately instructed Chief Beavers to have the street opened up."

"I think they put that fence up anyway before they actually had permission from council," concluded the mayor.


JUDGE ROAN CONTINUES FRANK MOTION FOR WEEK Deputy Newt Garner Represents Solicitor In Asking Continuance Judge L. S. Roan, of the Stone Mountain circuit, on Saturday issued an order continuing the hearing of a motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank until Saturday, October 18.

The order specifically stated that the provision of the first order continuing the case, namely the staying of the execution of Frank until the motion has been disposed of is included in the second order.

While it is generally believed that the solicitor general will be ready for the argument next Saturday there is nothing in the court's order to prevent his asking another continuance.

When the order was taken the solicitor was represented by one of the attaches of his office, Deputy Newt Garner.

While it has been constantly rumored that affidavits attacking a third Frank juror will be filed by the defense before the actual argument of the motion commences, there was no action of this kind Saturday.

Saturday, 11th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens To Confer With Henslee, The Atlanta Journal

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