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The Atlanta Journal,

Sunday, 12th October 1913,


A heart-broken letter from his wife who is in destitute circumstances in Jacksonville, Fla., with their little baby, is given by W. M. Herald, twenty years old, as the reason why he snatched a pocketbook from a well-dressed woman at the corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, shortly after 10 o'clock last night.

According to the story related to the police, the boy came here a few days ago seeking work in a soda water parlor, but had met with no success.

Saturday, he said, the letter came, begging for money and he was in desperate straits to get it.

"I was walking the streets," said Hearld, "when I saw the bag in the lady's hand. I needed the money and made an attempt to get it away from her. My wife was starving and I saw nothing else to do but steal. I did it and that is all."

When the theft occurred, W. T. Morris, secretary to Chief Beavers, was standing on the corner and witnessed it.

He made a quick dash for the boy and caught him.

The purse was returned to its owner and Hearld taken to the station, where he is alleged to have made a full confession.


WANT EMERSON BROYLES ON FORGERY CHARGE Chief of Police James L. Beavers last night, telegraphed to the chief of the Knoxville, Tenn., department to arrest and hold Emerson Broyles who is wanted here on the charge of forgery, it is alleged.

The whereabouts of the man are said to have been learned through a long distance telephone conversation Broyles had yesterday afternoon with a party in this city.

Sunday, 12th October 1913: Says He Stole For His Wife And Baby, The Atlanta Journal

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