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The Atlanta Journal,

Wednesday, 5th November 1913,


Miss Margaret Bramlett entertained at a bridge party

Wednesday afternoon at her home in Inman Park, the occasion assembling a large

number of her friends to meet two attractive visitors. Miss Grace Lipscomb, of

Washington, D. C., and Miss Elizabeth Lipscomb, of Jackson, Miss., who are the

guests of Mrs. Rosser at the Majestic.

The house was decorated with a luxuriant growth of palms and

ferns, with growing plants, and the rooms where the card tables were placed

were illuminated with numbers of pink candles in brass stands on the mantels

and cabinets.

The prize for top score was a boudoir cap, the consolation

was silk stockings, and the honor guests received dainty boudoir jackets as

special souvenirs.

Miss Bramlett was gowned for the

afternoon in mahogany charmeuse, made with coat effect of cream lace, finished

at the throat with soft folds at chiffon.





Barber Company Notified Debt

Will Be Paid if Conditions

Are Met

The board of Fulton county

commissioners Wednesday morning voted to notify the Barber Asphalt company it

was ready to meet the bill which it holds against the county, provided the

company would agree to give the county the deduction on the Marietta street

paving which the county asks.

The action of the board followed a

communication from Luther Z. Rosser in which the county attorney ruled that the

county is warranted in refusing to pay the full amount of the asphalt bill. The

county gave the Barber company the contract for the Marietta street paving,

agreeing at that time to use the Bermuda brand of asphalt. Since then it has

become known that the Barber company makes a cheaper brand of asphalt known as

the Trinidad which is not offered to the county.

The county has made the point that it

should be allowed to pay the cheaper price, a difference of about $4,000.


Bridge Party for Visitors

Miss Margaret Bramlett entertained at a

bridge party Wednesday afternoon at her home in Inman Park, the occasion assembling

a large number of her friends to meet two attractive visitors. Miss Grace

Lipscomb, of Washington, D. C. and Miss Elizabeth Lipscomb, of Jackson, Miss.,

who are the guests of Mrs. Rosser at the Majestic.

The house was decorated with a

luxuriant growth of palms and ferns, with growing plants and the rooms where

the card tables were placed were illuminated with numbers of pink candles in

brass stands on the mantels and cabinets.

The prize for top score was a boudoir

cap, the consolation was silk stockings, and the honor guests received dainty

boudoir jackets as special souvenirs.

Miss Bramlett

was gowned for the afternoon in mahogany charmeuse, made with coat effect of

cream lace, finished at the throat with soft folds of chiffon.

Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Bridge Party For Visitors, The Atlanta Journal

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