Reading Time: 2 minutes [293 words]

All of the affidavit down to this point is in typewriting, the original was exhibited to me. At the end of the affidavit in handwriting is written the following: "While I was looking at the money in my hands, Mr. Frank said, 'Let me have that, and I will make it alright with you Monday, if I live and nothing happens,' and he took the money back, and I asked him if that was the way he did, and he said he would give it back Monday."

It will be noticed that the first question which would arise would be, what became of the $200.00. This could not be accounted for. Therefore, when that query presumably was propounded to Conley, the only explanation was that Frank demanded it back.

The detectives had Conley for two or three hours on May 18th trying to obtain a confession, and he denied he had seen the girl on the day of the murder.

The detectives questioned him closely for three hours on May 25th, when he repeated this story. On May 27th, they talked to him for about five or six hours in Chief Langford's office.

Detective Scott, who was introduced by the State, testified regarding Conley's statement and affidavits as follows:

"We tried to impress him with the fact that Frank would not have written those notes on Friday, that that was not a reasonable story. That it showed premeditation and that would not do. We pointed out to him why the first statement would not fit. We told him we wanted another statement. He declined to make another statement. He said he had told the truth.

"On May 28th, Chief Langford and I grilled him

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