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The Atlanta Journal,

Tuesday, 11th November 1913,



Accomplice of Leo M.

Frank Not Arraigned Tues-

Day, as Was Expected

Jim Conley, the negro sweeper at the

National Pencil factory, who was the principal witness against Leo M. Frank,

convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, was not arraigned on the charge of

being an accessory after the fact Tuesday morning, as had been expected. Conley

was brought to the court house with other prisoners, but Solicitor Dorsey

announced to newspaper men that he would not be arraigned today on account of a

press of business in the court.

It is believed

Conleys case will be reached Wednesday. In the meantime, the solicitor is said

to be investigating the law in the case to decide whether Conley should be

tried on the indictment charging a felony or a misdemeanor. The solicitors

recommendation will probably be followed by the court.

Tuesday, 11th November 1913: Jim Conleys Case May Be Reached Wednesday, The Atlanta Journal

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