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The Atlanta Journal,

Saturday, 29th November 1913,


A small stack of fodder left over from

a Thanksgiving window decoration, two plate glass windows and Zeb, the buggy

horse of G. R. Garner, formed the cast of a little tragedy Friday afternoon

much to the discomfiture of the King Hardware company at 442 Marietta Street.

Zeb, who is about as well known as

Chief of Police Beavers, was standing in front of the Garner store, dozing in

front of the Garner store, dozing peacefully when awakened by a passing

trolley. In the window of the King Hardware Company he spied a stack of fodder

that once formed a part of the Georgia products decorations.

The invitation was too tempting to

overlook and Zeb proceeded to enter in the most approved fashion through the

front door irrespective of the buggy hitched to him. It so happened that the

floor hadnt been made to fit the buggy, or vice versa, and the nearest thing

to food that Zeb encountered was a bundle of mop handles that fell rattling to

the floor, astonishing the animal to such an extent that he began to back out.

As has been intimated the buggy and

door entrance didnt fit. The vehicle turned over and two perfectly good plate

glass windows were prepared for the junk pile. Undismayed, Zeb continued on

out, while clerks scrambled to reach the scene of the tragedy. In the

excitement that followed bits of broken glass were thrown at the feet of the

horse, who wasnt interested, especially, until some one made a mistake and sent

the fodder in his direction.

Zeb got his

meal and he wont be punished. The King Hardware company says so. It was the

plate glass insurance companys set-up, you see.

Saturday, 29th November 1913: Horse Hauls Buggy Right Into Hardware Store After Fodder, The Atlanta Journal

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