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The Atlanta Journal,

Monday, 13th October 1913,


Affidavits Are Secured as to Character of Men Who Attack Frank Juror

The work of strengthening their attack upon Juror

A. H. Henslee is being continued by the attorneys for Leo M. Frank, the hearing of whose motion for a new trial is now set for next Saturday.

Anticipating a possible attack on the makers of depositions who charge that they heard Henslee before the trial make statements showing that he was prejudiced against Frank, the attorneys have secured additional affidavits relative to the character of these witnesses.

Recently citizens of Sparta declared that the three men there who made depositions attacking Henslee are among the best citizens of that place.

Now the defense has secured similar affidavits upholding the citizens of Monroe, J. J. Nunnally and W. L. Ricker, who charged that Henslee made remarks to them showing bias.

Among the gentlemen who vouch for Nunnally and Ricker as men of the highest personal and moral character are R. P. King, former ordinary; Al G. Newell, solicitor of the city court; Orrin Roberts, attorney; J. B. Shelnutt, clerk of the superior court, and A. C. Stone, judge of the city court of Monroe.

Attorneys L. Z. Rosser and R. R. Arnold have also filled a second affidavit from Nunnally and Ricker, who reply to the statement of Henslee that the remarks they quote him as making must have been uttered since rather than before the trial.

The two Monroe men both declare that so car as they know Henslee has not been in Monroe since the trial of Frank and they reiterate that he made the remarks before the trial.

Monday, 13th October 1913: Frank Defense Arms To Back Fight On Henslee, The Atlanta Journal

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