Reading Time: 2 minutes [349 words]

CHARLIE LEE, sworn for the Defendant.

I am a machinist at the pencil factory. I remember an accident to

Duffy in the metal room. His finger was hurt on the eyelet machine,

about Oct. 4, 1912. It bled freely and the blood spouted out. There

was a lot of the blood on the floor. He went down the hall to the office, by

the ladies' dressing room. There was blood at that point. Gilbert also

got hurt in the metal room last year. He was bandaged in the office also.

In going from the metal room to the office, you go right by the steps.


I have been with the company two years and four months. Two

weeks ago my wages were raised 21/ cents an hour. Mr. Darley raised

them. I have not talked to anybody about what I was going to swear in

this case. I did not see Gilbert get hurt up there. I saw him after he

was dressed. Duffy was hurt in the metal room on the machine opposite

Mary Phagan's machine. The pencil company took a written statement

from me, signed by me, to keep the fellow from suing the company. I

saw my signature this morning. I have never told you I signed that

statement. The blood was streaming from his finger and dropped all

over the floor. The whole floor was bloody. He came out down the hall

to the office. He stopped about in front of the dressing room, about three

steps from the water cooler and asked me which office to go in. The blood

was streaming from his finger while he was standing there, about eight

or ten seconds. It dropped just in one place, holding his hand like this.

It wasn't cleaned up, they only sweep the floor once a week, that's all the

cleaning it gets. I never noticed it after that time. I have never taken

any notice whether you can see that blood there now. Duffy was cut

right near where those chips were taken up on the floor. It might have

been the same place. It was right near there. I wouldn't say it was the

same spot or not.

CHARLIE LEE, Sworn In For The State, 85th To Testify

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