Reading Time: 2 minutes [249 words]

I. STRAUSS, sworn for the Defendant.

I was at the home of Mrs. Selig, Saturday night, playing cards. I

got there about 10:30. Mr. Frank let me in. While we played he was

sitting in the hall reading. I could see him through the door. There was

nothing unusual about him. He went to bed immediately after I got there. His wife went to bed soon afterwards.

MRS. EMIL SELIG, recalled for the Defendant.

(Witness denies categorically that any of the contents of Minola

Mc Knight's affidavit (State's Exhibit "J") are true). I have never

raised Minola's wages one penny since she has been with me.


I didn't see Albert Mc Knight at my house on Saturday. He has

been to the house two or three times. I was in bed when Mr. and Mrs.

Frank went down stairs Sunday morning in response to the ringing of

the telephone. Mr. Frank got home about eleven o'clock Sunday morning

and then ate his breakfast. He and his wife went out together. Minola

was paid $3. 50 a week. I advanced her a week's wages. I don't know

what week that was. I didn't pay her anything the next week. The first

week I gave her $5. 00 and told her to give me the change. She brought

$1. 00 the next morning, and told me she kept 50c which I deducted

the next week. I think Mrs. Frank gave her a hat. I don't know when

that was. Mrs. Frank has never given her any money to my knowledge.

I STRAUSS, Sworn In For The State, 78th To Testify

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