Author: Mary Phagan
Monday, 11th August 1913 Many Experts Called by Defense to Answer Dr. H. F. Harris
Atlanta JournalAugust 11th, 1913 DR. GEORGE BACHMAN GIVES TESTIMONY TO SHOW HARRIS SIMPLY HAZARDED A GUESS Professor of Physiology at Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons Declares Dr. Harris Is the Only Doctor He Knows Who Would Undertake to Express…
Monday, 11th August 1913 Murder Evidence May Be Concluded by Next Saturday
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 11th, 1913 Trial May Have Reached the Point By End of This Week Where Lawyers Will Begin Their Argument. FIERCE ATTACK COMING ON HARRIS TESTIMONY The Defense Will Also Make Every Attempt to Break Down Story Told by…
Monday, 11th August 1913 Sunday Proves Day of Meditation for Four Frank Jurors
Atlanta JournalAugust 11th, 1913 Sunday apparently brought reflection and repentance to one aspiring member of the Frank juror, while three others after due consideration of the heat and other things, spent a part of their $2 per day. Juror Townsend,…
Tuesday, 12th August 1913 As the Very Wildest of Guessing Dr. Westmoreland Characterizes Testimony Given by Dr. Harris
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 Dr. Willis Westmoreland, former head of the state board of health, who resigned some time ago after the board gave a clean bill to Dr. H. F. Harris, the secretary, whom he had accused of "scientific…
Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Attacks on Dr. Harris Give Defense Good Day
Atlanta GeorgianAugust 12th, 1913 The defense had what was probably its best day on Monday. Medical experts were on the witness stand the larger part of the day. The purpose of their testimony was to knock down, one after another,…
Tuesday, 12th August 1913 C. B. Daltons Character Shown Up by Frank Defense; Four Witnesses Swear They Would Not Believe His Oath
Atlanta JournalAugust 12th, 1913 DALTON ADMITS HE SERVED A CHAINGANG SENTENCE FOR THEFT OF A "SHOP HAMMER" Miss Hattie Hall Swears She Was In Frank's Office Between 11 and 12 o'Clock and That Superintendent Did No Work on Finance Sheet…
Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Defense Has Best Day Since Trial of Frank Began
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 AS WILD GUESSES PHYSICIANS TERM TESTIMONY GIVEN BY DR. ROY HARRIS Assert It Is Impossible to Tell Accurately Just How Long It Takes for the Digestion of Cabbage—One Doctor Tells of Experiments He Had Made on…
Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Dr. Hancock Called by Defense, Assails Dr. Harris Testimony
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 MADE CABBAGE DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS Dr. T. H. Hancock, a well known Atlanta physician, was the first of three medical experts to be presented in the afternoon in behalf of the defense. Dr. Hancock is official physician…
Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Ethics of Dr. H. F. Harris Bitterly Attacked By Reuben Arnold
Atlanta JournalAugust 12th, 1913 Sensational Charge Hurled By Physician in Testimony Given at Afternoon Session Dr. Westmoreland, Answering Question of Attorney Reuben R. Arnold, Declares He Never Heard of a Chemist Who Had Made Examination by Himself and Then Destroyed…
Tuesday, August 12th, 1913, Expert Flatly Contradicts the Testimony of Dr. Harris, Atlanta Constitution
Atlanta Constitution August 12th, 1913 Professor George Bachman, professor of physiology in the Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons, and formerly a demonstrator of physiology in Jefferson Medical college, was put on the stand following Schiff. By him the…