Author: Mary Phagan

NATHAN COPLAN, Sworn In For The State, 95th To Testify

NATHAN COPLAN, sworn for the Defendant.I remember last Thanksgiving Day was a very disagreeable day. Idon't remember whether it snowed. The B'nai B 'rith is a charitable organization here composed of young men. They gave a dance out at theJewish…

JOE STELKER, Sworn In For The State, 96th To Testify

JOE STELKER, sworn for the Defendant.I have got charge of the varnishing department at the pencil factory,about sixty people work under me. I saw the spot that Mr. Barrettclaimed he had found in front of the young ladies' dressing room.…

HARLEE BRANCH, Sworn In For The State, 97th To Testify

HARLEE BRANCH, sworn for the Defendant.I work for the Atlanta Journal. I had an interview with Jim Conleyon two occasions. On May 31st, he told me he didn't see the purse ofthis little girl. He said that it took about…

JOHN M MINAR, Sworn In For The State, 98th To Testify

JOHN M. MINAR, sworn for the Defendant.I am a newspaper reporter for the "Atlanta Georgian. " I visitedGeorge Epps Sunday night, April 27th. I went there to ask him and hissister when was the last time either of them had…

W D MCWORTH, Sworn In For The State, 99th To Testify

W. D. Mc WORTH, sworn for the Defendant.I am a Pinkerton detective. I worked for fifteen days on the Frankcase. For three days I took statements from the factory employees andon May 15th, I made a thorough search of the…
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Tom Watson: The Rich Jews Indict a State!, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, October 1915

The Whole South Traduced. In the Matter of Leo Frank. by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21, Number 6, October 1915 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS prevail in this country, and the situation grows more complicated, year by year. We have…

JOHN FINLEY, Sworn In For The State, 100th To Testify

JOHN FINLEY, sworn for the Defendant.I was formerly master machinist and assistant superintendent ofthe pencil factory. I have known Mr. Frank about five years. His characterwas good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I am now superintendent for Dittler Bros. They are not related tothe Franks.…

A D GREENFIELD, Sworn In For The State, 101st To Testify

A. D. GREENFIELD, sworn for the Defendant.I am one of the owners of the building occupied by the Pencil Company on Forsyth Street. I have owned it since 1900. When we boughtthe building it was occupied by Montag Bros. They…

DR WM OWENS, Sworn In For The State, 102nd To Testify

DR. WM. OWENS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a physician. I am also engaged in the real estate business. Atthe request of the defense I went through certain experiments in the pencilfactory to ascertain how long it would take to…

ISAAC HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 103rd To Testify

ISAAC HAAS, sworn for the Defendant.I know Leo M. Frank for over five years. His character is verygood. I did not hear my telephone ring on Sunday morning, April 27th.My wife heard it. The telephone is twenty-two feet from my…