Author: Mary Phagan

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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Daltons Testimony False, Girl Named on Stand Says

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 9th, 1913 The Georgian today received from Miss Laura Atkinson of No. 30 Ella Street, one of the young women mentioned in C. B. Dalton's testimony, a letter denying absolutely that she had ever walked home with Dalton…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Defense Will Seek to Show That Mary Phagans Body Was Tossed Down a Chute in Rear of Pencil Factory And Not Taken Down by Elevator As the State Insists

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 Eleven Witnesses Are Introduced Friday to Prove Discrepancies in Time Given by Witnesses for the State. Miss Daisy Hopkins Goes on Stand and Swears That She Never Visited Factory With Dalton, But on Cross-Examination She Admitted…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Epps Boy Not With Mary Phagan, Declares Street Car Motorman

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 W. M. Mathews, of 459 Lee street, car motorman who declares that Mary Phagan rode to town on his car on April 26, followed Daisy Hopkins on the stand. Mathews gave a new turn to the…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Exposure of Conley Story Time Flaws is Sought by Defense

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 9th, 1913 Hammering away to show alleged glaring discrepancies in time in the story told by Jim Conley, the defense of Leo Frank Saturday morning recalled George Epps, the newsboy who testified to riding into town with Mary…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Harry Scott and Boots Rogers Recalled to Stand by the State

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 When court convened Friday morning Harry Scott, Pinkerton detective, engaged by the defense in the Phagan case, was recalled to the stand by the state and asked how long it took Jim Conley, the negro sweeper,…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Heres the Time Clock Puzzle in Frank Trial; Can You Figure It Out?

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 9th, 1913 THE RIDDLE OF THE CLOCK IN THE PHAGAN MYSTERYJim Conley swears Mary Phagan went up the stairs of the National Pencil factory and was murdered before Monteen Stover arrived. He says he saw Miss Stover go…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Hinchey Tells of Seeing Frank on Car on Day of the Murder

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 H. J. Hinchey, of 391 Peachtree street, a business acquaintance of Leo Frank, and manager of the South Atlantic Blow Pipe company, was put upon the stand by the defense. He stated having seen Frank on…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Holloway, Witness for Defense, Riddled By Cross-Examination

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 E. F. Holloway, watchman and timekeeper at the pencil factory, whose testimony Solicitor Dorsey riddled on cross-examination, followed General Manager Darley to the stand. He gave his answers rapidly, making them frequently even before Attorney Arnold…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 Hopkins Woman Denies Charges Made By Dalton and Jim Conley; Is Forced to Admit Untruths

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 Daisy Hopkins, a resident of Redan, Georgia, and the woman who Jim Conley and C. B. Dalton declare frequently went to the National Pencil factory with Dalton while Leo Frank was there and was aware of…
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Saturday, 9th August 1913 N. V. Darley Denies Testimony Given by Conley and Dalton

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 N. V. Darley, general manager of the National Pencil factory, who has already been used as a witness for the prosecution, was called to the stand for the defense following the pattern maker's department. He was…