Author: Mary Phagan

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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Dorsey Asks Bauer Where He Spent the Dinner Recess

  Atlanta Constitution August 16th, 1913 R. V. Bauer, the ex-student who was on the stand undergoing cross-examination at the adjournment of the morning session took the stand at the opening of the afternoon session. "Who have you talked with…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Dorsey Questions Witness About Alleged Fund for Franks Defense

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 A. D. Greenfield, one of the owners of the building occupied by the National Pencil company, of which Frank is superintendent, followed the former office boy to the stand. He was questioned about the occupancy of…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Every Girl on Fourth Floor of Factory Will Go on Stand

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Mrs. E. H. Carson, mother of Rebecca Carson, and a forewoman in the pencil factory, was put on the stand late in the afternoon. "How long have you been employed by the pencil factory?" "Three years."…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Factory Employees Testimony Causes Laughter in Court Room

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Joseph Stelker, an employee of the National Pencil company, followed the Montag's credit man to the stand. Stelker was questioned closely about conditions at the factory, and while he was on the stand both sides again…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Frank as Innocent as Angels Conley Told Her, Says Witness

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Miss Julia Fuss, a girl about 16 years old, and an employee at the National Pencil factory took the stand to testify as to Frank's character. She not only testified that she believed the defendant's character…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Girls Testify For and Against Frank

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 16th, 1913 ‘I'D DIE FOR HIM!' CRIES ONE, CONVULSING COURT CLUB AND ENVELOPE FOUND BY PINKERTON MAN PUT IN EVIDENCE Two factory girls, one of them defending Leo M. Frank with all the eloquence at her command, and…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Host of Witnesses Declare Franks Character to Be Good

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 The greater part of the time Friday was taken up by the defense in producing witnesses to swear to the good character of Frank. One witness placed on the stand, F. F. Gilbert, an employee of…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Leo Frank Innocent, Said Conley, According to a Girl Operator

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Mrs. Dora Small, a machine operator for the pencil factory, was the last witness of the afternoon session. "How long have you been working with the factory?" she was asked by Arnold. "For five years." "Did…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Maid in Schiff Home Tells of Phone Message From Frank

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Emma Hill, a maid in the Schiff home was called to tell of a telephone message for Herbert Schiff, made by Frank on the morning of the tragedy. "Do you remember anybody trying to call Schiff…
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Saturday, 16th August 1913 Many Testify to Franks Good Character

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 16th, 1913 Nearly half a hundred witnesses testified in behalf of Leo M. Frank Friday. As a climax to the day's proceedings in Judge Roan's court the defendant's mother, Mrs. Rae Frank, went on the stand to add…