Author: Mary Phagan
Friday, 17th October 1913: Juror Johenning Ready For Defense, He Says, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 24, COLUMN 3.Frank Trial Juror in Conference With Solicitor-Confident of VindicationM.Johenning one of the jurors who has been attacked as prejudiced in the defense's motion for a new trail for Leo M. Frank, was…
Friday, 17th October 1913: Sparta Citizens Attack Frank Trial Juror, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 6.Declare Henslee's Statement That He Made Alleged Remarks After Trial Is Wrong.Another shot was fired Friday at A. H. Henslee, one of theFrank jurors accused of bias and prejudice.The fresh attack came…
Saturday, 18th October 1913 Criminal Court Will Convene Monday Week
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 2.Before That TimeSolicitor Dor-sey Expects to HaveCon-cluded FrankHearing.That the criminal division of superior court will start onMonday week and the general work of that division be resumedwas the statement made yesterday by…
Saturday, 18th October 1913: Frank Hearing Wednesday Motion For A New Trial To Be Heard By Judge L. S. Roan, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Attorney Luther Z. RosserDeclares Unless Hearing Is Given Immediately He'll Have To Drop CaseTemporarilyDORSEY ANNOUNCES HE WILL BE READY ON DATEJudge Roan FixesDefinite Date for Hearing Defense and Prosecution to Swap Affidavits…
Saturday, 18th October 1913: Way Clear For Frank Battle, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 3.Fight for New Trial to Open BeFore Judge Roan Next Wednesday Morning.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of…
Sunday, 19th October 1913 Frank Innocent Says Man Who Claims To Be Murder Witness
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.HE WILL TELLWHOCOMMITTEDCRIMEON ARRIVALHEREMakes Statement to Chief ofBirmingham Policeand Catches Train at Midnightfor Atlanta inCompany With Detective"Prominent CitizenSlew girl, He Says, But It WasNot Frank.By L. W. Friedman.Birmingham, Ala., October…
Sunday, 19th October 1913: Frank To Fight On Wednesday For New Trial, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 3.Charges of Bias Against Jurors Will Play Leading Part In Arguments.DEFENSE OPPOSES DELAYJudge Roan and Solicitor Dorsey Also Urge HasteState Has Big Task.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe…
Sunday, 19th October 1913: New Feature In Frank Case Perhaps Tomorrow, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal, Sunday, 19th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 5. Exchange of Affidavits by State and Defense May Reveal New Attack on Jury It is believed that several surprises will be sprung on Monday when Solicitor General Hugh M.…
Monday, 20th October 1913: J.c. Shirley, Marietta Street Furniture Dealer, Named By I. W. Fisher In Phagan Case, Laughs At Accusations, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal, Monday, 20th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, & 6. NAMED IN PHAGAN CASE BY FISHER, HE TREATS ACCUSATION AS JOKE J. C. SHIRLEY. I. W. Fisher, Who Says He Knows Who Killed Mary Phagan IRA…
Monday, 20th October 1913 Locked Doors Guard Witness Who Declares Frank Innocent
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.DETECTIVES KEEP ALL NIGHT VIGIL IN ORDER TO ARREST HIMPAGE 1, COLUMN 6Witness Is AtlantaManWho Says HeLeft CityOn Account ofThreatsI. W. Fisher, Formerly a RailroadEmployeeHere, Upon His Arrival in Atlanta,…