Author: Mary Phagan

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Monday, 17th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman. Attorneys-at-law., The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 17th November 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 2.Offices:202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.Long-Distance Telephone 3022, 3024, and 3025, Atlanta, Ga.Monday, 17th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey,…
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Tuesday, 18th November 1913: Conleys Trial Waits On The Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 18th November 1913,PAGE 15, COLUMN 4.JudgeHill Will Not Disposeof It Until Frank CaseIs Settled.Despitethe assertion of William M. Smith, attorney for Jim Conley, that he woulddemand an early trial for the negro sweeper, whose testimony did most…
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Tuesday, 18th November 1913: Lawyer Absent, Conley’s Case Is Delayed, The Atlanta Georgian

The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 18th November 1913,PAGE XXX, COLUMN 4.Negro's Counsel Tuesday Will Demand Immediate Hearing, Attitude SurprisesDorsey.The absence from the city W. M. Smith attorney for Jim Conley, prevented the calling of Jim Conley's case Monday on the charge of…
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Tuesday, 18th November 1913: Legal Fight Is Waged Over Mothers Will, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 18th November 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 4.Daughters ofMrs. EmmaLee Go to Court to SettleDisputeA bitter fight between three sistersover $50,000 estate left by their mother. Mrs. Emma G. Lee, commenced beforeJudge George L. Bell in superior court Tuesday…
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Wednesday, 19th November 1913: First Murder Trial Before Judge Hill, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 19th November 1913,PAGE 14, COLUMN 2.Will Burnett, a negro, was convicted ofmanslaughter in Judge Ben Hills division of the superior court on Tuesday. Hewas given a twenty-year sentence.The negro made a statement to the juryin which he…
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Wednesday, 19th November 1913: Frank Trial Unfair, Jewish Rabbi Says In Scathing Speech, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 19th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Rev.Alexander Lyons, ofBrooklyn, Declares Prison-ers Jewish Nationality In-fluenced Verdict ofGuiltyGIRLSALLEGED SLAYERCOMPARED TOBEILISSConditionsAre Worse HereThan in Czars Domain, HeSays, Because of ChristianPretensesRabbi Alexander Lyons, one of theforemost Jews in America, speaking at the…
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Thursday, 20th November 1913: Conley’s Attorney, To Combat Further Delay In His Case, The Atlanta Georgian

The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 20th November 1913,PAGE XXX, COLUMN 4.That a further postponement of the trial of Jim Conley, the negro witness in the Phagan case, will be bitterly fought, was the declaration of W. M. Smith, Conley's attorney, Thursday.Attorney Smith…
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Thursday, 20th November 1913: Conley Trial Put Off At Request Of Dorsey, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 20th November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.Will Not BeHeld During Pres-ent Week-Smith toFileDemandIt was announced Thursday morning bySolicitor Dorsey that the case of Jim Conley, indicted as accessory after thefact for the murder of Mary Phagan, would not…
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Thursday, 20th November 1913: Nation-wide Search For Missing Wife, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 20th November 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 4.A letter revealing the sorrowful story of a husbandsnation-wide search for his missing wife has come to Chief Beavers from Russell,Iowa, to which W. W. Wolfe, a native of Montgomery went in…
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Friday, 21st November 1913: Conley’s Attorney, To Combat Further Delay In His Case, The Atlanta Georgian

The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 21st November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.That a further postponement of the trial of Jim Conley, the negro witness in the Phagan case, will be bitterly fought, was the declaration of W. M. Smith, Conley's attorney, Thursday.Attorney Smith…