Author: Mary Phagan

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Tuesday, 25th November 1913: Men And Religion Bulletin No. 85, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 25th November 1913,PAGE 11, COLUMN 5.FOLLOW MEI am the good shepherd;the good shepherd layethdown his life for the sheep.He that is a hireling fleeth.John 10-11:12Miss Edith Appleyard died Monday.She was once matron at Agnes ScottCollege.Christ touched her…
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Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Anti Leaders Quiz Chief On Blind Tiger Policy, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 26th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.DuBose and Richards InquireWhy Arrests ArentMade.No Money, Is AnswerA query as tothe attitude of the police and detective authorities toward blind tiger conditionswhich are alleged to exist in Atlanta, was the meat…
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Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Comment On The Frank Case, The Atlanta Georgian

The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 26th November 1913,PAGE XXX, COLUMN 5.EditorThe Georgian:I herewith inclose a communication for publication, if you see fit to accept same.There is really some doubt in my mind as to whether you will publish his article for the…
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Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Conley Will Be Tried During January Term, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 26th November 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 4.Negro Factory Sweeper Appears in Court in order toHave the TimeSet.Jim Conley, the negro factory sweeperwho was a witness against Leo Frank in his trial for the murder of Mary Phagan,will be…
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Thursday, 27th November 1913: Gone Are The Days Of Oratory At The Bar, Says Pendleton, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 27th November 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 4.Stick to facts.Cut out the Fourth of July oratoricalfireworks.State your casebefore the jury tersely and briefly.Such was the advice of Judge John T. Pendleton,senior judge of the Fulton county superior court, as…
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Thursday, 27th November 1913: Old-fashioned Lawyer Has Departed Forever, Judge Pendleton Says, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 27th November 1913,PAGE 4, COLUMN 3.The old-fashioned oratorical lawyer, inhis Prince Albert coat and with beaver full of papers, is gone forever, JudgePendleton, of the superior court, told the members of the Atlanta Law schoolWednesday afternoon.Successful lawyers…
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Friday, 28th November 1913: Beautiful Luncheon, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 28th November 1913,PAGE 13, COLUMN 3.Mrs. L. Z. Rosser, Jr., was hostess atluncheon Friday at the Piedmont club in compliment to Miss Ruth Rosser and herguests, Miss Eva Renfro, Miss Clara Belle Glover, Miss Cynthia Ellis and…
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Friday, 28th November 1913: Judge Roan Saves Youth From Sentencing Himself, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 28th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.To a Term inChaingangOne of Judge L. S. Roans last officialacts as a Fulton county superior court judge was the saving of a young lad onSaturday from sentencing himself to the chaingang.Davis…
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Saturday, 29th November 1913: Gillham Must Pay His Wife Alimony, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 29th November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Mrs. Annie G. Gillham, who recentlyfiled suit for divorce against her husband, Walter L. Gillham, manager of theSouthern Photo Material company, was awarded $50 per month temporary alimonyand the custody of her…
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Saturday, 29th November 1913: Horse Hauls Buggy Right Into Hardware Store After Fodder, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 29th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.A small stack of fodder left over froma Thanksgiving window decoration, two plate glass windows and Zeb, the buggyhorse of G. R. Garner, formed the cast of a little tragedy Friday afternoonmuch…