Author: Mary Phagan
Wednesday, 14th May 1913 Friends Say Franks Actions Point to Innocence
A young Leo Frank (top center) and friends enjoy a day at the beach in New York. Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 If Leo M. Frank is guilty of any connection with the murder of Mary Phagan, his actions…
Wednesday, 14th May 1913 New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe
Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 "A Local Celebrity" Is Working Out the New Theory and He Had Not Reported to the Solicitor on Wednesday GIRL'S HANDWRITING GIVES IMPORTANT CLUE Grand Jury to Take Up Case May 22…
Wednesday, 14th May 1913 Secret Hunt by Burns in Mystery is Likely
William J. Burns Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 Probably Will Not Reveal Presence in City as He Investigates Phagan Case. Colonel Thomas B. Felder said Wednesday that Detective William J. Burns had not arrived, as yet, in New York…
Thursday, 15th May 1913 Burns Investigator Will Probe Slaying
Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 15th, 1913 Noted Detective, Himself, to Take Up Case June 1—One of His Experts Coming Soon. Colonel Thomas B. Felder, noted Atlanta lawyer, Thursday issued the positive statement that William J. Burns would take charge of…
Thursday, 15th May 1913 No Phagan Trial Before Last of June Declares Solicitor
Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 15th, 1913 If Indictments Are Returned by Grand Jury When Bills Are Presented There Will Be No Immediate Trial WM. J. BURNS COMING, SAYS THOS. B. FELDER He Calls Upon the Public to Subscribe…
Thursday, 15th May 1913 Victim of Murder Prepared to Die, Believes Dorsey
Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 15th, 1913 Identification Slip Carried by Mary Phagan in Her Pocketbook Causes Theory That the Victim Had Been Threatened With Violence. Either threatened with death or warned by some dread premonition of an untimely…
Friday, 16th May 1913 $1,000 Offered Burns to Take Phagan Case
Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 16th, 1913 Subscriptions From Persons Who Withhold Names Increases the Fund—Other Rewards. The fund inaugurated to bring W. J. Burns, the renowned detective, to Atlanta to clear the Phagan mystery was augmented Friday by contributions which…
Friday, 16th May 1913 Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jurys Hands
Atlanta Journal Friday, May 16th, 1913 Two Employes of Pencil Company Appeared Before Grand Jury Friday in Answer to Subpenas FELDER RAISING FUND TO PAY W. J. BURNS The Journal Subscribes $100, Mr. Felder Declares a Burns Investigator Will Be…
Friday, 16th May 1913 Burns Hunt for Phagan Slayer Begun
Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 16th, 1913 Skilled Aide of Famous Detective Arrives in Atlanta—Keeps Identity Secret. Contributions for a fund to bring W. J. Burns, the great detective, to Atlanta in the Phagan case follow: The Georgian ……………$100 The Constitution…
Friday, 16th May 1913 Coming of Burns is Assured, Says Colonel Felder
Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 16th, 1913 To Solve Phagan Murder, Joseph Hirsch, Capitalist, Starts Public Subscription to Assure Fund for Burns. SOCIETY WOMEN AID MOVEMENT FOR FUND Local Detectives in Conference and Are Believed to Have Secret Documents…