Author: Mary Phagan

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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Citizens Deny Authority for Using Their Names

Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Capt. English, Robt. F. Maddox and Others Comment on Dictograph Interview Captain James W. English, president of the Fourth National bank, Saturday gave The Journal a statement to the effect that he has had…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar a Success in Preacher Role

  Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Professed Conversion During Revival at Cartersville and Married Rich Widow Before the Meeting Was Over. Athens, Georgia, May 24.—(Special.)—A. S. Colyar, now in the public eye in the Felder matter, had a short,…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Arrest Proper End to Plot of Crook

Mayor James G. Woodward, of Atlanta, accused by dictograph in conversation in A. S. Colyar's room at the Williams House, denies that he offered money to secure evidence of corruption against police and detective departments. Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th,…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Declared Criminal and Not Worthy of Belief in Four Sworn Statements

A. S. Colyar Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Four sworn statements concerning the career of A. S. Colyar, and declaring him a criminal and unworthy of belief, have been furnished The Constitution by Colonel Thomas B. Felder. They are…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar, Held as Forger, is Freed on Bond; Long Crime Record Charged

Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Athens Judge Tells Colonel Felder That Dictograph ‘Trapper' Is Under Suspended Sentence in Georgia. Knoxville Complaint To Be Pressed. A. S. Colyar, soldier of fortune, who plotted the destruction, by means of the dictograph,…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Imputes Arrest to Felder Conspiracy

Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Knoxville Charge Against Him Not Pressed for More Than Four Years A. S. Colyar was detained late Saturday afternoon on the request of E. D. Conners, chief of police of Knoxville, Tenn. to face…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Tells Where He and Col Felder Ought to be for Good of Society

Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Editor The Journal: I herewith hand you a telegram in answer to one that I got Chief of Police Beavers to send, which explains one of Thomas B. Felder's visions, which appeared in the…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Dorsey to Present Graft Charges if They Stand Up

Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Hugh M. Dorsey, Solicitor General, made it plain last night that if investigation develops the fact that there is anything in the charges of graft and corruption in the police department, or that Colonel…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Felder is the Mouthpiece of the Vice Gang, Declares Chief of Police Jas. L. Beavers

Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 "This is the First Gun in a Fight to Oust Me From Office," Says the Chief in an Interview Given Out Saturday Afternoon — "This Issue Is Between the Decent People and the Allies…
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Sunday, 25th May 1913 Felders Charges of Graft Rotten

George Gentry. Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Lanford Declares No Printable Words Can Be Found to Describe Lawyer's Attack. "As for Tom Felder's charges of graft in the police or detective departments," said Chief Lanford last night, "they are…