Author: Mary Phagan
LEMMIE QUINN, Sworn In For The State, 47th To Testify
LEMMIE QUINN, sworn for the Defendant.I am foreman of the metal department. Barrett pointed out to mewhere he claimed to have found blood spots on the metal room floor. Heasked me whether I thought that he (Barrett) would get the…
HARRY DENHAM, Sworn In For The State, 48th To Testify
HARRY DENHAM, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the fourth floor of the pencil factory. I was paid off Friday,April 25th. I came back Saturday to do some work. Mr. Darleyasked me to come back. I had to work on…
MAGNOLIA “MINOLA” MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 49th To Testify
MINOLA Mc Knight (colored), sworn for the Defendant. I work for Mrs. Selig. I cook for her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank live with Mr. and Mrs. Selig. His wife is Mrs. Selig's daughter. I cooked breakfast for the family…
EMIL SELIG, Sworn In For The State, 50th To Testify
EMIL SELIG, sworn for the Defendant.I am Mr. Frank's father-in-law. My wife and I live with Mr. Frankand his wife. The kitchen in our house is next to the dining room. Thereis a small passage way between them. The sideboard…
MRS EMIL SELIG, Sworn In For The State, 51st To Testify
MRS. EMIL SELIG, sworn for the Defendant.I am Mrs. Frank's mother* (mother-in-law). Mr. and Mrs. Frank have been living with us two years. The sideboard is in the same position it always has been except when we sweep under it.…
MISS HELEN KERNS, Sworn In For The State, 52nd To Testify
MISS HELEN KERNS, sworn for the Defendant.I work for the Dodson Medicine Company as stenographer. Myfather works for Montag. I took shorthand under Professor Briscoelast winter. I have seen Mr. Frank in his factory. I went there withProfessor Briscoe to…
MRS A P LEVY, Sworn In For The State, 53rd To Testify
MRS. A. P. LEVY, sworn for the Defendant.I live right across the street from where Mr. Frank lives. I am nota relation of his either by blood or marriage. I saw him get off a car onMemorial Day between one…
MRS M G MICHAEL, Sworn In For The State, 54th To Testify
MRS. M. G. MICHAEL, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Athens. On April 26th, I was at 387 Washington Street at2 o'clock, at the residence of my sister Mrs. Wolfsheimer. Mrs. Frankis my niece by marriage. I am no kin…
JEROME MICHAEL, Sworn In For The State, 55th To Testify
JEROME MICHAEL, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Athens. I was in Atlanta on April 26th. I took dinner atMrs. Wolfsheimer's residence at 387 Washington Street. I saw Mr.Frank upon that day between five minutes to 2 and 2 o'clock.…
MRS HENNIE WOLFSHEIMER, Sworn In For The State, 56th To Testify
MRS. HENNIE WOLFSHEIMER, sworn for the Defendant.I am the aunt of Mrs. Frank. I live at 387 Washington Street, thethird house from the corner of Georgia Avenue. On April 26th, I sawMr. Frank in front of my house. It was…