Author: Mary Phagan

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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Conley is Unwittingly Friend of Frank, Says Old Police Reporter

Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 1st, 1913 By AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. Developments came thick and fast during the past week, and one is able to approach consideration of the Phagan case to-day with more assurance and ease of mind than…
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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Conleys Statement Analyzed From Two Different Angles

At the top is a photograph of the note written by James Conley, the negro sweeper, at the factory Friday afternoon after he had pantomimed his part in the murder of Mary Phagan. He wrote from memory and without prompting.…
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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Conleys Story Cinches Case Against Frank, Says Lanford

  Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 1st, 1913 ‘He Has Told the Whole Truth—There's Not a Lawyer Who Can Shake Him,' Asserts Chief. Jim Conley has told the whole truth—there's not a shadow of a doubt about it. We feel perfectly…
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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Dorseys Grill Fails to Make Conley Admit Hand in Killing

Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June, 1st, 1913 Does Not Deviate In Least From Detailed Story Despite Traps to Snare Him FRANK APPEARS PLEASED Prisoner Tells His Friends That Sweeper's Affidavit Is Good News to Him A gruelling cross-examination of Jim Conley,…
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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Grand Jury Meeting Remains a Mystery

  Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 1st, 1913 Foreman Will Not Say Whether Beavers-Felder Controversy Will Be Considered There is still much speculation over the probable action of the Fulton county grand jury on the Felder-Beavers -Lanford controversy, and it is…
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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Lanford Tells Why Conley Was Placed in Police Station

Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 1st, 1913 Chief of Detectives Gives Out Statement Relative to Transfer of Prisoner From the Tower to Headquarters FURTHER QUESTIONING IS PLANNED BY DETECTIVES No Arrangement Yet Made for Negro to Confront Frank—Report of Finding Girl's…
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Sunday, 1st June 1913 Today is Mary Phagans Birthday; Mother Tells of Party She Planned

Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 1st, 1913 Parents Intended to Give Child Happy Surprise—Now They Will Strew Flowers on Her Grave in Marietta Churchyard. By MIGNON HALL. This will be the saddest Sunday with Mary Phagan's family since that fatal Sunday…
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Monday, 2nd June 1913 5 to Testify Frank Was at Home at Hour Negro Says He Aided

Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 2nd, 1913 Defense to Cite Discrepancies in Time to Disprove Conley's Affidavit—Sheriff Denies Friends of Superintendent Approached Sweeper in Cell. After a two-hour grilling by Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey Minola McKnight, a negro woman about 21…
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Monday, 2nd June 1913 Beavers to Talk Over the Felder Row With Dorsey

  Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 2nd, 1913 Dictograph conversations and alleged bribery charges will be discussed by Chief of Police Beavers and Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey at a conference to be held to-day. Chief Beavers is ready to have every…
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Monday, 2nd June 1913 Frank Asked Room to Conceal Body Believes Lanford

Atlanta Constitution Monday, June 2nd, 1913 Detective Chief Forms New Theory as to Reason Why Prisoner Is Said to Have Phoned Mrs. Formby. HER DISAPPEARANCE PUZZLING TO OFFICERS Lanford Says He Will Find Her in Time for Trial, But Does…