Author: Mary Phagan

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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Cook Is Released on Signing Paper

  Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 Minola McKnight, the negro cook at the home of Leo M. Frank, was released from custody by the police late Tuesday afternoon, after she had signed the sensational affidavit now in the possession…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Cooks Sensational Affidavit

Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 Says She Heard Frank's Wife Tell Mother Frank Had Threatened Suicide Incoherent Statement by Employee of Frank Household That Must Not Be Taken as Legal Evidence Until Heard and Corroborated in Court. Another sensational…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Fain Named in Vice Quiz as Resort Visitor

Mayor James G. Woodward (left), leaving Grand Jury room after testifying in vice probe; Thomas B. Felder (middle), who exonerates Beavers of graft charges but declares war on Lanford; Carl Hutcheson (right), who gave Grand Jury list of "houses in…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Felder Exonerates Beavers, But Says Lanford is Corrupt

  Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 Witnesses Summoned in Dictograph Controversy, Although Foreman Says Vice Probe Is Not Complete BEAVERS AND FELDER ASK INVESTIGATION Felder's Charges Against Lanford to Be Heard With Dictograph Case—Felder Says the Records Are Forged…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Franks Cook Was Counted Upon as Defense Witness

Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 While police activities have been turned to this line of investigation, the negro sweeper, Jim Conley, has been given a rest. Chief of Detectives Lanford stated that the negro would be quizzed no more.…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 L. M. Franks Trial Will Occur Week of June 30

Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 Although no definite decision has been arrived at by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, the indications are that Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, who is under indictment for the murder of Mary…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Sensational Affidavit Made by Minola MKnight, Negro Cook at Home of L. M. Frank

Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 In This Affidavit Minola Tells of Conversation That Occurred Between Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Selig, In Which Mrs. Frank Is Alleged to Have Said Frank Was Drinking on Night of Tragedy, and That He…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Servant of Frank is Liberated After Long Examination

Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 Despite Gruelling Third Degree, Woman Maintains Denial of Having Told Conflicting Stories. FACED BY HUSBAND, SHE CONTRADICTS HIM Her Release Came After Her Attorney Had Threatened to Take Out Habeas Corpus Proceedings. Minola McKnight,…
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Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Vice List Wanted by Chief Beavers; Promises Probe

Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, June 4th, 1913 Head of Police Department Invites Carl Hutcheson to Furnish Him With List of Houses. MORE WITNESSES WILL GIVE TESTIMONY TODAY Grand Jury Determined to Go to Bottom of Vice Allegations, But Will Not Touch…
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Thursday, 5th June 1913 Challenges Felder to Prove His Charge

  Atlanta Georgian Thursday, June 5th, 1913 Attorney Reiterates Graft Accusations Following Lanford's Defiance—Offers More Proof. Newport A. Lanford, Chief of Detectives, issued a statement Thursday morning defying Colonel Thomas B. Felder, or anyone, to substantiate the charge of graft…