Author: Mary Phagan

J C MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 67th To Testify

J. C. MATTHEWS, sworn for the Defendant.I was at Montag Brothers on April 26th. I saw Mr. Frank in theoffice of Montag Bros., in the morning of that day. I couldn't give youthe exact time. I work at Montag Bros.J…

ALONZO MANN, Sworn In For The State, 68th To Testify

ALONZO MANN, sworn for the Defendant.I am office boy at the National Pencil Company. I began workingthere April 1, 1913. I sit sometimes in the outer office and stand aroundin the outer hall. I left the factory at half past…

M 0 NIX, Sworn In For The State, 69th To Testify

M. 0. NIX, sworn for the Defendant.I am credit man for Montag Bros. and bookkeeper. I have charge ofthe bookkeeping and documents and papers of the National Pencil Company. I am familiar with Mr. Frank's handwriting. These financialsheets beginning with…

HARRY GOTTHEIMER, Sworn In For The State, 70th To Testify

HARRY GOTTHEIMER, sworn for the Defendant.I am a traveling salesman I make two trips a year for the NationalPencil Company, from the first of February to the first of April, andfrom the first of September to the fifteenth of October.…

MRS RACHEL JACOBS FRANK, Sworn In For The State, 71st To Testify

MRS. RACHEL JACOBS FRANK, sworn for the Defendant.I am the mother of Leo Frank. I live in Brooklyn. I lived in Texasthree years, where Leo was born. Mr. Moses Frank of Atlanta is myhusband's brother. I saw him at Hotel…

OSCAR PAPPENHEIMER, Sworn In For The State, 72nd To Testify

OSCAR PAPPENHEIMER, sworn for the Defendant.I am in the furniture business. I am also a stockholder of the NationalPencil Company. I have been getting comparative sheets as tothe weekly business of the Company from Frank since March, 1910. Upto the…

C F URSENBACH, Sworn In For The State, 73rd To Testify

C. F. URSENBACH, sworn for the Defendant.I married a sister of Mrs. Leo Frank. I phoned him on Friday andasked him if he would go to the baseball game Saturday. He said hedidn't know, he might go and would phone…

MRS C F URSENBACH, Sworn In For The State, 74th To Testify

MRS. C. F. URSENBACH, sworn for the Defendant.I am Mrs. Leo Frank's sister. I received a telephone message forMr. Ursenbach from Mr. Frank through my cook on Saturday at halfpast one. I saw no scratches, bruises, or marks on Mr.…

MRS ALEXANDER E MARCUS, Sworn In For The State, 75th To Testify

MRS. ALEXANDER E. MARCUS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a sister of Mrs. Leo Frank. I played cards Saturday night atMrs. Selig's. Mr. Frank was there sitting out in the hall reading, andMrs. Frank was going in and out of…

MRS M MARCUS, Sworn In For The State, 76th To Testify

MRS. M. MARCUS, sworn for the Defendant.I am no relation of Mr. or Mrs. Frank. I saw Mr. Frank at half pasteight or a quarter to nine in the evening on April 26th, at Mrs. Selig'sresidence. We played cards there.…