Author: Mary Phagan

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Saturday, 19th July 1913 Grand Jury Meets to Indict Conley

The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, July 19, 1913 Call Is Issued After Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey Had Flatly Refused Request of Foreman. A call for the Fulton grand jury to meet at 10 o'clock Monday to take steps leading to the…
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Saturday, 19th July 1913 Jury Is Determined to Consider a Bill Against Jim Conley

The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 19, 1913 Protest of Solicitor Fails to Stop Session to Consider Phagan Evidence on Monday DORSEY STILL BELIEVES JURY WON'T INDICT Solicitor Says Frank Defense Wants Jury to Try Him Drawn From the Grand Jury…
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Saturday, 19th July 1913 Natural Crank, Mayor’s Shot at Broyles

The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 19, 1913 "Dyspeptic, Fanatic, Stoneheart, Monomaniac" Are Other Terms in "Final" Retort. Mayor Woodward Saturday said he was finally dismissing Recorder Nash R. Broyles from his mind with the statement: "He is a natural dyspeptic,…
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Saturday, 19th July 1913 Scott Believes Conley Innocent, Asserts Lanford

The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, July 19, 1913 Chief's Statement Follows the Publication of Report That Pinkertons Are Now of the Opinion Sweeper Is Guilty. "OPEN TO CONVICTION," SCOTT TELLS REPORTER "Our Testimony in Case Will Be Fair and Impartial," He…
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Saturday, 19th July 1913 Woodward Uses Clemency Again

The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, July 19, 1913 Asserting That He Considers Recorder Mentally Irresponsible, the Mayor Announces Controversy Closed. With the declaration that no utterance by Recorder Nash R. Broyles will induce him to resort to blackguardism or swerve him…
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Sunday, 20th July 1913 Attorney for Conley Makes a Statement

The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 20, 1913 "Not Necessary to Indict Negro to Close His Mouth," Declares William Smith. William M. Smith, attorney for Jim Conley, the negro now being held as a material witness in the Phagan murder case…
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Sunday, 20th July 1913 Counsel of Frank Says Dorsey Has Sought to Hide Facts

The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 20, 1913 Attorneys Rosser and Arnold, in a Statement to the Press, Make Bitter Attack on Solicitor for His Conduct of Phagan Case. Call Attention to Secrecy Maintained by Prosecution, and Declare Action of State's…
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Sunday, 20th July 1913 Dorsey Fights Movement to Indict Conley

The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 20, 1913 Solicitor Is Bombarded With Letters to Proceed Against Negro as Slayer of Mary Phagan. THE GRAND JURY IS CALLED Hottest Battle of Famous Case To Be Waged Behind Closed Doors of Inquisitory Body.…
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Sunday, 20th July 1913 Dorsey Is Seeking to Be Grand Jury And Solicitor Too, Say Frank’s Counsel

The Atlanta Journal Sunday, July 20, 1913 SOLICITOR SCORED FOR HIS ATTITUDE IN CONLEY'S CASE Rosser and Arnold Charge Dorsey Seeks to Convict Frank, Guilty or Innocent, Out of Professional Pride "SHUTTING EYES TO TRUTH, DORSEY PROTECTS NEGRO" Attorneys Intimate…
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Sunday, 20th July 1913 Frank’s Lawyers Score Dorsey For His Stand

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 20th July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Luther Rosser and ReubenArnold Declare He is Go-ing Out of His Way to Dic-tate to the Grand Jury.EXCEEDS PROVINCEOF SOLICITOR GENERALGrand Jury Will Meet at 10O'Clock Monday Morningto Take Up Conley Case.Call…