Author: Mary Phagan

M J GOLDSTEIN, Sworn In For The State, 77th To Testify

M. J. GOLDSTEIN, sworn for the Defendant.I played cards Saturday night, April 26th, at Mrs. Selig's house, Igot there about 8:15. We played in the dining room. Mr. Frank was sittingin the hall. There was nothing unusual about him, no…

I STRAUSS, Sworn In For The State, 78th To Testify

I. STRAUSS, sworn for the Defendant.I was at the home of Mrs. Selig, Saturday night, playing cards. Igot there about 10:30. Mr. Frank let me in. While we played he wassitting in the hall reading. I could see him through…

SIGMUND MONTAG, Sworn In For The State, 79th To Testify

SIGMUND MONTAG, sworn for the Defendant.I am engaged in manufacturing stationery. I am treasurer of theNational Pencil Company. The company receives its mail at my office,which is two blocks from the pencil factory. Frank comes to my officeevery day of…
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Tom Watson: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, August 1915

by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 4, August 1915 THE LAWS OF Georgia are extraordinarily favorable to a person accused of crime. He is not only protected in all of his rights under the Constitution of…

TRUMAN MCCRARY, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 80th To Testify

TRUMAN Mc CRARY, (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am a drayman on the streets of Atlanta. I work for the NationalPencil Company. I have hauled for them. I have drayed for them mostevery Saturday for the past three years. I…

D J NIX, Sworn In For The State, 81st To Testify

D. J. NIX, sworn for the Defendant.I was office boy at the pencil factory from April, 1912, to October,1912. I worked there every other Saturday until the first of September,and then every Saturday thereafter. I am 19 years old. Before…

FRANK PAYNE, Sworn In For The State, 82nd To Testify

FRANK PAYNE, sworn for the Defendant.I was office boy last Thanksgiving day at the pencil factory. It wassnowing that day. I am 16 years old. Mr. Schiff and Mr. Frank wereworking there in the office that day. Mr. Schiff sent…

PHILLIP CHAMBERS, Sworn In For The State, 83rd To Testify

PHILLIP CHAMBERS, sworn for the Defendant.I am 15 years old. I started working for them December 12, 1912,as office boy, at the pencil factory. I left there March 29, 1913. I stayedin the outer office. On Saturdays I stayed until…

GODFREY WEINKAUF, Sworn In For The State, 84th To Testify

GODFREY WEINKAUF, sworn for the Defendant.I am superintendent of the Pencil Company's lead plant. Beginningwith July, 1912, up until the first week in January, 1913, I visited the officeof the pencil factory every other Saturday, between three and fiveo'clock. I…

CHARLIE LEE, Sworn In For The State, 85th To Testify

CHARLIE LEE, sworn for the Defendant.I am a machinist at the pencil factory. I remember an accident toDuffy in the metal room. His finger was hurt on the eyelet machine,about Oct. 4, 1912. It bled freely and the blood spouted…