I M HAMILTON, Sworn In For The State, 90th To Testify

I. M. Hamilton. All sworn for the defendant. Testified that they livedin Gwinnett or Walton County; that they used to know C. B. Dalton beforehe left Monroe in Walton County, that his general character fortruth and veracity is bad, and…

R L BAUER, Sworn In For The State, 91st To Testify

R. L. BAUER, sworn for the Defendant.During the summer of 1909 and 1910, I worked at the National Pencil Company on Saturdays. Since that time I have worked off and on at the factory on Saturdays doing extra work. I…

GORDON BAILEY, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 92nd To Testify

GORDON BAILEY, (colored) sworn for the Defendant.I work at the factory. I am sometimes called" Snowball. " I neversaw Jim Conley talk to Mr. Frank the Friday before the murder. I havenever, at any time, heard Mr. Frank ask Conley…

HENRY SMITH, Sworn In For The State, 93rd To Testify

HENRY SMITH, sworn for the Defendant.I work at the pencil factory in the metal department. I work withBarrett. He has talked to me about the reward offered in this case. Hesaid it was $4,300, and he thought if anybody was…

MILTON KLEIN, Sworn In For The State, 94th To Testify

MILTON KLEIN, sworn for the Defendant.I saw Mr. Frank last Thanksgiving evening at a dance given by theB'nai B'rith at the Hebrew Orphans' Home. I also saw him that sameafternoon between half past four and six o'clock. The dance lasted…

NATHAN COPLAN, Sworn In For The State, 95th To Testify

NATHAN COPLAN, sworn for the Defendant.I remember last Thanksgiving Day was a very disagreeable day. Idon't remember whether it snowed. The B'nai B 'rith is a charitable organization here composed of young men. They gave a dance out at theJewish…

JOE STELKER, Sworn In For The State, 96th To Testify

JOE STELKER, sworn for the Defendant.I have got charge of the varnishing department at the pencil factory,about sixty people work under me. I saw the spot that Mr. Barrettclaimed he had found in front of the young ladies' dressing room.…

HARLEE BRANCH, Sworn In For The State, 97th To Testify

HARLEE BRANCH, sworn for the Defendant.I work for the Atlanta Journal. I had an interview with Jim Conleyon two occasions. On May 31st, he told me he didn't see the purse ofthis little girl. He said that it took about…

JOHN M MINAR, Sworn In For The State, 98th To Testify

JOHN M. MINAR, sworn for the Defendant.I am a newspaper reporter for the "Atlanta Georgian. " I visitedGeorge Epps Sunday night, April 27th. I went there to ask him and hissister when was the last time either of them had…

W D MCWORTH, Sworn In For The State, 99th To Testify

W. D. Mc WORTH, sworn for the Defendant.I am a Pinkerton detective. I worked for fifteen days on the Frankcase. For three days I took statements from the factory employees andon May 15th, I made a thorough search of the…