JOHN FINLEY, Sworn In For The State, 100th To Testify

JOHN FINLEY, sworn for the Defendant.I was formerly master machinist and assistant superintendent ofthe pencil factory. I have known Mr. Frank about five years. His characterwas good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I am now superintendent for Dittler Bros. They are not related tothe Franks.…

A D GREENFIELD, Sworn In For The State, 101st To Testify

A. D. GREENFIELD, sworn for the Defendant.I am one of the owners of the building occupied by the Pencil Company on Forsyth Street. I have owned it since 1900. When we boughtthe building it was occupied by Montag Bros. They…

DR WM OWENS, Sworn In For The State, 102nd To Testify

DR. WM. OWENS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a physician. I am also engaged in the real estate business. Atthe request of the defense I went through certain experiments in the pencilfactory to ascertain how long it would take to…

ISAAC HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 103rd To Testify

ISAAC HAAS, sworn for the Defendant.I know Leo M. Frank for over five years. His character is verygood. I did not hear my telephone ring on Sunday morning, April 27th.My wife heard it. The telephone is twenty-two feet from my…

A N ANDERSON, Sworn In For The State, 104th To Testify

A. N. ANDERSON, sworn for the Defendant.I work at the Atlanta National Bank. That is the original passbookof Leo M. Frank (Defendant's Exhibit 50).CROSS EXAMINATION.I don't know that that's the only bank account that he had. He mayhave had others.…

R P BUTLER, Sworn In For The State, 105th To Testify

R. P. BUTLER, sworn for the Defendant.I am the shipping clerk of the Pencil Company. I am familiar withthe doors leading into the metal room. They are wooden doors, withglass windows. There is no trouble looking through these windows intothe…

I U KAUFFMAN, Sworn In For The State, 106th To Testify

I. U. KAUFFMAN, sworn for the Defendant.I made a drawing of the Selig residence on Georgia Avenue, in thiscity, showing the kitchen, dining room, the reception room, parlor andpassageway between the kitchen and dining room. The mirror in thedining room…

J Q ADAMS, Sworn In For The State, 107th To Testify

J. Q. ADAMS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a photographer. I took photographs of the Selig home at 68 E.Georgia Avenue from the inside and the outside of the back door, lookingtoward the passageway that leads in the dining room.…

T H WILLET, Sworn In For The State, 108th To Testify

T. H. WILLET, sworn for the Defendant.I am a pattern maker. I made the pattern of pencil factory from ablue print. This is the model (Exhibit 13 for Defendant).CROSS EXAMINATION.The height of the floors is not made according to scale.…

C W BERNHARDT, Sworn In For The State, 109th To Testify

C. W. BERNHARDT, sworn for the Defendant.I am a contractor and builder. This (Defendant's Exhibit 52) fairlyrepresents the back porch of the Selig home, as well as the first floor ofthe house. Standing in the kitchen door you can't look…