H M WOOD, Sworn In For The State, 110th To Testify
H. M. WOOD, sworn for the Defendant.I am the Clerk of the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues ofFulton County. Standing in the back kitchen door of the Selig residence,that enters on the back porch and undertaking to look into the…
JULIUS A FISCHER, Sworn In For The State, 111th To Testify
JULIUS A. FISCHER, sworn for the Defendant.I am a contractor and builder. I looked at the house of the Selig'sat 68 E. Georgia Avenue. Standing in the kitchen door, I had very littleview of the sideboard. You could see possibly…
J R LEACH, Sworn In For The State, 112th To Testify
J. R. LEACH, sworn for the Defendant.I am division superintendent of the Ga. Rwy. & Power Co. I knowthe schedule of the Georgia Avenue line and the Washington Street line.The Georgia Avenue line leaves Broad and Marietta on the hour…
K T THOMAS, Sworn In For The State, 113th To Testify
K. T. THOMAS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a civil engineer. I measured the distance from the intersectionof Marietta and Forsyth Streets to the pencil factory on Forsyth Street.It is 1,016 feet. I walked the distance, it took me four…
L M CASTRO, Sworn In For The State, 114th To Testify
L. M. CASTRO, sworn for the Defendant.I walked from the corner of Marietta and Forsyth Streets to the upstairs of the National Pencil factory on S. Forsyth Street at a moderategait. It took me 41/2 minutes. I walked from the…
PROF GEO BACHMAN, Sworn In For The State, 115th To Testify
PROF. GEO. BACHMAN, sworn for the Defendant.Prof. of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry Atl. Col. Phys. &Surgeons. Bomar says it takes 4 hours and a half to digest cabbage.That's for the cabbage to pass from the stomach into the intestines.The gastric…
DR THOMAS HANCOCK, Sworn In For The State, 116th To Testify
DR. THOMAS HANCOCK, sworn for the Defendant.A doctor for 22 years. Engaged in hospital work 6 or 7 years.Have treated about 14,000 cases of surgery. Have examined the of Leo M. Frank and found nothing abnormal. As far as…
DR WILLIS F WESTMORELAND, Sworn In For The State, 117th To Testify
DR. WILLIS F. WESTMORELAND, sworn for the Defendant.DIRECT EXAMINATION.A practicing physician for twenty-eight years, general practice andsurgery. A professor of surgery for twenty years, and formerly presidentof the State Board of Health. If the body of a girl between thirteenand…
DR J C OLMSTEAD, Sworn In For The State, 118th To Testify
DR. J. C. OLMSTEAD, sworn for the Defendant.Practicing physician for 36 years. Given the facts that a younglady 13 or 14 years old died and 8 or 10 hours after death the body wasembalmed with a preparation containing 8% formaldehyde,…
DR W S KENDRICK, Sworn In For The State, 119th To Testify
DR. W. S. KENDRICK, sworn for the Defendant.I have been a practicing physician for thirty-five years. I was Deanof the Atlanta Medical College. I gave Dr. Harris his first positionthere. If a young lady between thirteen and fourteen years of…