JOHN ASHLEY JONES, Sworn In For The State, 120th To Testify
JOHN ASHLEY JONES, sworn for the defendant.I have known Mr. Frank about a year or eighteen months. Hisgeneral character is good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I am resident agent for the New York Life Insurance Company. Idon't know any of the girls at the…
DR LEROY CHILDS, Sworn In For The State, 121st To Testify
DR. LEROY CHILDS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a surgeon. If a person dies and the body found three o'clockin the morning, rigor mortis not quite complete, embalmed the next dayabout ten o'clock, the body disinterred nine days later and…
ALFRED LORING LANE, Sworn In For The State, 122nd To Testify
ALFRED LORING LANE, sworn for the Defendant.I am a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y. I have known Leo Frank about15 years. I knew him four years at Pratt Institute which we both at.tended. I also knew him after he returned…
PHILIP NASH, Sworn In For The State, 123rd To Testify
PHILIP NASH, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Ridgewood, N. J. I am connected with the New York Telephone Company, in New York City. I knew Leo Frank four years atPratt Institute. I was in his class. His general character…
RICHARD A WRIGHT, Sworn In For The State, 124th To Testify
RICHARD A. WRIGHT, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Brooklyn, N. Y. I am a consulting engineer, with officesin New York City. I knew Leo Frank four years at Pratt Institute. Ialso knew him three years at Cornell. His general…
HARRY LEWIS, Sworn In For The State, 125th To Testify
HARRY LEWIS, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Brooklyn, N. Y. I am a lawyer. I was formerly AssistantDistrict Attorney of Brooklyn. I have known Leo Frank about twelveyears. I have been a neighbor of his until he came South.…
HERBERT LASER, Sworn In For The State, 126th To Testify
HERBERT LASER, sworn for the Defendant.I live in New York State. I manage my father's estates. I knewLeo Frank at Cornell University, during the years 1903-4-5-6. I was inhis class, and we roomed together for two years. His general characterwas…
JOHN W TODD, Sworn In For The State, 127th To Testify
JOHN W. TODD, sworn for the Defendant.I reside in Pittsburg. I am assistant purchasing agent for the CrucibleSteel Co. I attended Cornell University with Leo Frank. I knewhim for years during the time I was in College. I am the…
PROF C D ALBERT, Sworn In For The State, 128th To Testify
PROF. C. D. ALBERT, sworn for the Defendant.I am professor of machine designs in Cornell University. I haveheld that chair for five years. I knew Leo M. Frank for two years whilehe attended the University. At that time I was…
PROF J E VANDERHOEF, Sworn In For The State, 129th To Testify
PROF. J. E. VANDERHOEF, sworn for the Defendant.I am foreman of the foundry at Cornell University. I knew LeoFrank for two years when he attended the University. His characterwas good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been at Cornell 25 years. As to what…