V H KRIEGSHABER, Sworn In For The State, 130th To Testify

V. H. KRIEGSHABER, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Atlanta. I have known Leo Frank for about three years.His general character is good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I did not come in contact with him frequently. I am a trustee of theHebrew Orphans' Home…

M F GOLDSTEIN, Sworn In For The State, 131st To Testify

M. F. GOLDSTEIN, sworn for the Defendant.I practice law in Atlanta. I have known Leo Frank about three anda half years. His character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.We used to live on the same street together. I would see him nearlyevery…

DR DAVID MARX, Sworn In For The State, 132nd To Testify

DR. DAVID MARX, sworn for the Defendant.Jewish Rabbi, and R. A. SONN, Superintendent of the Hebrew Orphans' Home,testified that they had known Leo Frank very well ever since he came tolive in Atlanta and that his character was good.DR DAVID…

ARTHUR HEYMAN, Sworn In For The State, 133rd To Testify

ARTHUR HEYMAN, sworn for the Defendant.I practiced law about nineteen years in Atlanta. I have known LeoFrank for three or four years. His general character is good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been with him seven or eight times in three years. I…

MRS H GLOGOWSKI, Sworn In For The State, 134th To Testify

MRS. H. GLOGOWSKI, sworn for the Defendant.I keep a boarding house in this city. I have known Mr. Frank morethan three years. He and his wife boarded with me for seven months.His character is good.MRS H GLOGOWSKI, Sworn In For…

MRS ADOLPH MONTAG, Sworn In For The State, 135th To Testify

MRS. ADOLPH MONTAG, sworn for the Defendant.I am a sister of Mr. Sig Montag. I have known Mr. Frank fiveyears. His character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have heard of his character through the ladies he has lived with.Mrs. Meyers has…

MRS J 0 PARMELEE, Sworn In For The State, 136th To Testify

MRS. J. 0. PARMELEE, sworn for the Defendant.My husband is a stockholder in the National Pencil Company. Mr.Frank's general character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have seen Mr. Frank at the jail twice. I have only come in contactwith him once…

MISS IDA HAYS, Sworn In For The State, 137th To Testify

MISS IDA HAYS, sworn for the Defendant.I work at the pencil factory on the fourth floor. I have known Mr.Frank for two years. His general character is good. I have known Conleyfor two years. His general character for truth and…

MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, Sworn In For The State, 138th To Testify

MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the second floor of the pencil factory. I have known Mr.Frank for three years. His general character is good. I have knownConley for 2 years. His general character for truth…

MISS OPIE DICKERSON, Sworn In For The State, 139th To Testify

MISS OPIE DICKERSON, sworn for the Defendant.I have worked at the pencil factory for 17 months. Mr. Frank'sgeneral character is good. I have never met Mr. Frank for any immoralpurpose. I have known Jim Conley ever since I have been…