TILLANDER, Sworn In For The State, 180th To Testify

TILLANDER, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Mr. Graham and I went to the pencil factory on April 26th, about 20minutes to 12. We went in from the street and looked around and I founda negro coming from a dark alley…

E K GRAHAM, Sworn In For The State, 181st To Testify

E. K. GRAHAM, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I was at the pencil factory April 26th, with Mr. Tillander, about 20minutes to 12. We met a negro on the ground floor. Mr. Tillander askedhim where the office was, and he…

J W COLEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 182nd To Testify

J. W. COLEMAN, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I remember a conversation I had with detective Mc Worth. He exhibited an envelope to me with a figure" 5" on the right of it.CROSS EXAMINATION.This does not seem to be the…

J M GANTT, Sworn In For The State, 183rd To Testify

J. M. GANTT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have seen Leo Frank make up the financial sheet. It would takehim an hour and a half after I gave him the data.J M GANTT, Sworn In For The State, 183rd…

IVY JONES, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 184th To Testify

IVY JONES (colored), sworn for the State in rebuttal.I saw Jim Conley at the corner of Hunter and Forsyth Streets onApril 26th 1913. He came in the saloon while I was there, between one and two o'clock. He was not…

HARRY SCOTT, Sworn In For The State, 185th To Testify

HARRY SCOTT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I picked up cord in the basement when I went through there withMr. Frank. Lee's shirt had no color on it, excepting that of blood. I gotthe information as to Conley's being able…

L T KENDRICK, Sworn In For The State, 186th To Testify

L. T. KENDRICK, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I was night watchman at the pencil factory for something like twoyears. I punched the clocks for a whole night's work in two or three minutes. The clock at the factory needed…

VERA EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 187th To Testify

VERA EPPS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.My brother George was in the house when Mr. Minar was asking usabout the last time we saw Mary Phagan. I don't know if he heard thequestions asked. George didn't tell him that…

C J MAYNARD, Sworn In For The State, 188th To Testify

C. J. MAYNARD, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have seen Burtus Dalton go in the factory with a woman in Juneor July, 1912. She weighed about 125 pounds. It was between 1:30 and2 o'clock in the afternoon on a…

W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The State, 189th To Testify

W. T. HOLLIS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Mr. Reed rides out with me every morning. I don't remember talkingto J. D. Reed on Monday, April 29th, and telling him that GeorgeEpps and Mary Phagan were on my car together.…