G C FEBRUARY, Sworn In For The State, 20th To Testify
G. C. FEBRUARY, sworn for the State.I was present at Chief Lanford's office when Leo M. Frank and L. Z.Rosser were there. I took down Mr. Frank's statement stenographically.I don't remember Frank's answers in detail, Mr. Rosser was looking outof…
ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 21st To Testify
ALBERT Mc Knight, Colored, sworn for the State.My wife is Minola Mc Knight. She cooks for Mrs. Selig. Between 1and 2 o'clock on Memorial Day I was at the home of Mr. Frank to see mywife. He came in close…
MISS HELEN FERGUSON, Sworn In For The State, 22nd To Testify
MISS HELEN FERGUSON, sworn for the State.My name is Helen Ferguson, I worked at the National Pencil Company on Friday the 25th. I saw Mr. Frank Friday, April 25th, about 7o'clock in the evening and asked for Mary Phagan's money.…
R L WAGGONER, Sworn In For The State, 23rd To Testify
R. L. WAGGONER, sworn for the State.I am a city detective. On Tuesday, April 29th, from ten thirty untila little after 11 in the morning I was in front of the pencil factory on theother side of the street. I…
J L BEAVERS, Sworn In For The State, 24th To Testify
J. L. BEAVERS, sworn for the State.I am Chief of Police of the City of Atlanta. I was at the pencil factoryon Tuesday, April 29th, and saw what I took to be a splotch of bloodon the floor right near…
R M LASSITER, Sworn In For The State, 25th To Testify
R. M. LASSITER, sworn for the State.I am a city policeman. On Sunday morning, April 27th, I found aparasol in the bottom of the elevator shaft. It was lying about the centerof the shaft. I also found a ball of…
L 0 GRICE, Sworn In For The State, 26th To Testify
L. 0. GRICE, sworn for the State.My name is L. 0. Grice. I was at the National Pencil Company'splace on Sunday morning, April 27th 1913. A small sized man, defendanthere, attracted my attention, on account of his nervousness.CROSS EXAMINATION.I was…
MELL STANFORD, Sworn In For The State, 27th To Testify
MELL STANFORD, sworn for the State (re-called).The door in the rear part of the factory on the second floor on Fridayevening was barred. There is no way in the rear of the building tocome down to the second floor when…
W H GREESLING, Sworn In For The State, 28th To Testify
W. H. GREESLING, sworn for the State.I am a funeral director and embalmer. I moved the body of MaryPhagan at 10 minutes to four o'clock, April 27th, in the morning. Thecord (Exhibit C, State) was around the neck. The knot…
DR CLAUDE SMITH, Sworn In For The State, 29th To Testify
DR. CLAUDE SMITH, sworn for the State.I am physician and City Bacteriologist and Chemist. These chips(Exhibit E, State) appear to be the specimen which the detectivesbrought to my office and which I examined. They had considerable dirton them and some…