DR J W HURT, Sworn In For The State, 30th To Testify
DR. J. W. HURT, sworn for the state.I am County Physician. I saw the body of Mary Phagan on Sundaymorning, the 27th of April. She had a scalp wound on the left side of herhead about 2 and 1/2 inches…
DR H F HARRIS, Sworn In For The State, 31st To Testify
DR. H. F. HARRIS, sworn for the State.I am a practicing physician. I made an examination of the body ofMary Phagan on May 5th. On removing the skull I found there was noactual break of the skull, but a little…
C B DALTON, Sworn In For The State, 32nd To Testify
C. B. DALTON, sworn for the State.I know Leo M. Frank, Daisy Hopkins, and Jim Conley. I have visited the National Pencil Company three, four or five times. I have been in the office of Leo M. Frank two or…
S L ROSSER, Sworn In For The State, 33rd To Testify
S. L. ROSSER, sworn for the State.I am a city policeman. On Monday, April 28th, I went out to seeMrs. White. On May 6th or 7th was the first time I knew Mrs. Whiteclaimed to have seen a negro at…
JAMES CONLEY, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 34th To Testify
JAMES CONLEY, Colored, sworn for the State.I had a little conversation with Mr. Frank on Friday, the 25th ofApril. He wanted me to come to the pencil factory that Friday morning that he had some work on the third floor…
C W MANGUM, Sworn In For The State, 35th To Testify
C. W. MANGUM, sworn for the State.I had a conversation with Mr. Frank at the jail about seeing Conleyand confronting him. Conley was on the fourth floor. Chief Beavers,Chief Lanford and Scott came down to see Mr. Frank with Conley…
W W MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 36th To Testify
W. W. MATTHEWS, sworn for the Defendant.I work for the Georgia Railway & Electric Co. as a motorman. Onthe 26th day of April I was running on English Avenue. Mary Phagangot on my car at Lindsey Street at 11:50. Our…
W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The State, 37th To Testify
W. T. HOLLIS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a street car conductor. On the 26th of April I was on the EnglishAvenue line. We ran on schedule that day. Mary Phagan got on atLindsey Street at about 11:50. She is…
HERBERT G SCHIFF, Sworn In For The State, 38th To Testify
HERBERT G. SCHIFF, sworn for the Defendant.I am assistant superintendent of the National Pencil Co.; I havebeen with the company about five years. Part of my duties was to getup data for the financial sheet. I occupied the same office…
JOEL C HUNTER, Sworn In For The State, 39th To Testify
JOEL C. HUNTER, sworn for the defendant.I am a public accountant, engaged in the profession ten or fifteenyears. I have examined the financial sheet said to be made by Leo M.Frank. I examined a copy and then checked it against…