C E POLLARD, Sworn In For The State, 40th To Testify

C. E. POLLARD, sworn for the Defendant.I am an expert accountant. I was called into this matter for the purpose of seeing the length of time it would take to gather these figures and get the result on the financial…

MISS HATTIE HALL, Sworn In For The State, 41st To Testify

`MISS HATTIE HALL, sworn for the defendant.I am a stenographer for the National Pencil Company. I do most ofthe work in the office of Montag Bros. Whenever it is necessary I godown to the National Pencil factory and do work…

MISS CORINTHIA HALL, Sworn In For The State, 42nd To Testify

MISS CORINTHIA HALL, sworn for the Defendant.I work in the finishing up department of the pencil factory. I am aforelady. I was at the factory on April 26th, I got there about 25 minutesto twelve. I had to come to…

MRS EMMA CLARKE FREEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 43rd To Testify

MRS. EMMA CLARKE FREEMAN, sworn for the Defendant.I married on April 25th. I worked at the pencil factory before that,at the time I was married. I was paid off on April 25th by Mr. Schiff.On the 26th I reached the…

MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, Sworn In For The State, 44th To Testify

MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, sworn for the Defendant.I did not work at the factory on Saturday, April 26th. I workedthere Friday, the 25th, in the packing department. Mr. Schiff got fromme the data for the financial sheet on Friday night…

MISS MAGNOLIA KENNEDY, Sworn In For The State, 45th To Testify

MISS MAGNOLIA KENNEDY, sworn for the Defendant.I have been working for the pencil factory for about four years, inthe metal department. I drew my pay on Friday, April 25th, from Mr.Schiff at the pay window. Helen Ferguson was there when…

WADE CAMPBELL, Sworn In For The State, 46th To Testify

WADE CAMPBELL, sworn for the Defendant.I have been working for the pencil factory for about a year and ahalf. I had a conversation with my sister, Mrs. Arthur White, on Mon-day, April 28th. She told me that she had seen…

LEMMIE QUINN, Sworn In For The State, 47th To Testify

LEMMIE QUINN, sworn for the Defendant.I am foreman of the metal department. Barrett pointed out to mewhere he claimed to have found blood spots on the metal room floor. Heasked me whether I thought that he (Barrett) would get the…

HARRY DENHAM, Sworn In For The State, 48th To Testify

HARRY DENHAM, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the fourth floor of the pencil factory. I was paid off Friday,April 25th. I came back Saturday to do some work. Mr. Darleyasked me to come back. I had to work on…

MAGNOLIA “MINOLA” MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 49th To Testify

  MINOLA Mc Knight (colored), sworn for the Defendant. I work for Mrs. Selig. I cook for her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank live with Mr. and Mrs. Selig. His wife is Mrs. Selig's daughter. I cooked breakfast for the family…