MISS REBECCA CARSON, Sworn In For The State, 60th To Testify

MISS REBECCA CARSON, sworn for the Defendant.I work at the National Pencil Co. I have been there over three years.I work on the fourth floor. I am forelady of the sorting department. Ihave from thirteen to fifteen girls under me.…

MRS E M CARSON, Sworn In For The State, 61st To Testify

MRS. E. M. CARSON, sworn for the Defendant.I worked at the pencil factory three years. Rebecca Carson is mydaughter. I am a widow. I have seen blood spots around the ladies'dressing room three or four times. I was at the…

MISS MARY PIRK, Sworn In For The State, 62nd To Testify

MISS MARY PIRK, sworn for the Defendant.I am one of the foreladies working at the National Pencil Co. I amat the head of the polishing department. I have been there about fiveyears. I talked with Jim Conley Monday morning after…

MISS IORA SMALL, Sworn In For The State, 63rd To Testify

MISS IORA SMALL, sworn for the Defendant.I worked on the fourth floor of the pencil factory for five years. Isaw Jim Conley on Tuesday. He was worrying me to get money from meto buy a newspaper and then he would…

MISS JULIA FUSS, Sworn In For The State, 64th To Testify

MISS JULIA FUSS, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the fourth floor of the pencil factory. I have never knownanything wrong or immoral to be going on in Mr. Frank's office. I talkedwith Jim Conley Wednesday morning after the murder.…

EMMA BEARD, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 65th To Testify

EMMA BEARD (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am Mr. Schiff's servant. On April 26th somebody called Mr. Schiffon the telephone. I answered the telephone. It was about half past ten. It sounded like a boy's voice. It said, " I…

ANNIE HIXON, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 66th To Testify

ANNIE HIXON (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am Mrs. Ursenbach's servant. Mr. Frank called up on the telephoneabout half past one on April 26th. I told him Mr. Ursenbach wasnot in and he said "Tell Mr. Charlie I can't go…

J C MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 67th To Testify

J. C. MATTHEWS, sworn for the Defendant.I was at Montag Brothers on April 26th. I saw Mr. Frank in theoffice of Montag Bros., in the morning of that day. I couldn't give youthe exact time. I work at Montag Bros.J…

ALONZO MANN, Sworn In For The State, 68th To Testify

ALONZO MANN, sworn for the Defendant.I am office boy at the National Pencil Company. I began workingthere April 1, 1913. I sit sometimes in the outer office and stand aroundin the outer hall. I left the factory at half past…

M 0 NIX, Sworn In For The State, 69th To Testify

M. 0. NIX, sworn for the Defendant.I am credit man for Montag Bros. and bookkeeper. I have charge ofthe bookkeeping and documents and papers of the National Pencil Company. I am familiar with Mr. Frank's handwriting. These financialsheets beginning with…