Reading Time: 2 minutes [289 words]

that some punches had been missed. The suggestion was that he had either manipulated the slip to place the burden on Lee or was so excited as to be unable to read the slip correctly.

The State introduced a witness, Monteen Stover, to prove that at the time when Mary Phagan and Frank were in the metal room, she was in Frank's office, and he was absent, although he had declared he had not left his office. The State showed that the hair of Mary Phagan had been washed by the undertaker with pine tar soap, which would change its color and thereby interfere with the ability of the doctor to tell the similarity between the hair on the lathe and Mary Phagan's hair.

The State further showed a cord of the character which strangled Mary Phagan was found in quantities on the metal room floor and was found in lesser quantities and then cut up in the basement. As to this, Detective Starnes testified, "I saw a cord like that in the basement, but it was cut up in pieces. I saw a good many cords like that all over the factory."

Holloway testified, "These cords are all over the building and in the basement."

Darley testified to the same effect.

However, this contradicts the testimony that was presented to the jury for solution.

The State claimed to the jury that witnesses for the defendant, under the suggestion of counsel, in open court, would change their testimony so that it might not operate against the defendant.

I have not enumerated all the suspicious circumstances urged by the State, but have mentioned what have appeared to me the most prominent ones.

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