JOHN FINLEY, Sworn In For The Defendant, 100th To Testify

JOHN FINLEY, sworn for the Defendant.I was formerly master machinist and assistant superintendent of the pencil factory.I have known Mr. Frank about five years.His character was good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I am now superintendent for Dittler Bros.They are not related to the Franks.I…

L M CASTRO, Sworn In For The Defendant, 114th To Testify

L. M. CASTRO, sworn for the Defendant.I walked from the corner of Marietta and Forsyth Streets to the upstairs of the National Pencil factory on S. Forsyth Street at a moderate gait.It took me 41/2 minutes.I walked from the same…

DR THOMAS HANCOCK, Sworn In For The Defendant, 116th To Testify

DR. THOMAS HANCOCK, sworn for the Defendant.A doctor for 22 years. Engaged in hospital work 6 or 7 years. Have treated about 14,000 cases of surgery. Have examined the private. parts of Leo M. Frank and found nothing abnormal.As far…

T Y BRENT, Sworn In For The Defendant, 196th To Testify

T. Y. BRENT, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley on several occasions express himself very bitterly towards Leo Frank.He said he felt in this case just as he did about a couple of negroes hung down…

MRS ADOLPH MONTAG, Sworn In For The Defendant, 135th To Testify

MRS. ADOLPH MONTAG, sworn for the Defendant.I am a sister of Mr. Sig Montag.I have known Mr. Frank five years.His character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have heard of his character through the ladies he has lived with.Mrs. Meyers has told…

J R LEACH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 112th To Testify

J. R. LEACH, sworn for the Defendant.I am division superintendent of the Ga. Rwy. & Power Co.I know the schedule of the Georgia Avenue line and the Washington Street line.The Georgia Avenue line leaves Broad and Marietta on the hour…

C W BERNHARDT, Sworn In For The Defendant, 109th To Testify

C. W. BERNHARDT, sworn for the Defendant.I am a contractor and builder.This (Defendant's Exhibit 52) fairly represents the back porch of the Selig home, as well as the first floor of the house.Standing in the kitchen door you can't look…

ARTHUR HEYMAN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 133rd To Testify

ARTHUR HEYMAN, sworn for the Defendant.I practiced law about nineteen years in Atlanta.I have known Leo Frank for three or four years.His general character is good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been with him seven or eight times in three years.I have been…

D J NIX, Sworn In For The Defendant, 81st To Testify

D. J. NIX, sworn for the Defendant.I was office boy at the pencil factory from April, 1912, to October, 1912.I worked there every other Saturday until the first of September, and then every Saturday thereafter.I am 19 years old.Before Sept.…

MRS J 0 PARMELEE, Sworn In For The Defendant, 136th To Testify

MRS. J. 0. PARMELEE, sworn for the Defendant.My husband is a stockholder in the National Pencil Company.Mr. Frank's general character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have seen Mr. Frank at the jail twice.I have only come in contact with him once…