Thursday, 29th May 1913 Burns Joins in Hunt for Phagan Slayer
Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 29th, 1913 All Evidence Gathered by His Operatives Sent to the Noted Detective. James Conley, the negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory who has turned suspicion on himself with a maze of contradictory statements, was…

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Felder Bribery Charge Expected
Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Believed Beavers Will Try to Have Grand Jury Consider Accusations Against Attorney. That bribery charges against Colonel Thomas B. Felder and others will be placed before the Fulton County Grand Jury by police officials,…

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Conley Re-enacts in Plant Part He Says He Took in Slaying
Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 29th, 1913 With Detectives Looking On, Negro Shows How He Carried Girl's Body to Basement at Direction, as He Swear, of His Employer, Leo Frank. As a sensational climax to the confession of his part of…

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Negro Conleys Affidavit Lays Bare Slaying
Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Swears Frank Told Him Girl Had Hit Her Head Against Something. The Georgian in it second Extra published exclusively the first REAL confession of James Conley, the negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory,…

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Ready to Indict Conley as an Accomplice
Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Dorsey Ready to Act if Negro Sticks to Latest Story Accusing Frank. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced that if Conley persisted in his story he would take steps to have him indicted as…

Friday, 30th May 1913 Negro Conley Now Says He Helped to Carry Away Body
Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 30th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Lanford admitted Friday morning that Jim Conley, under the rack of the third degree, had made the astounding confession that he had assisted Leo M. Frank in disposing of the body…

Saturday, 31st May 1913 Silence of Conley Put to End by Georgian
Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 31st, 1913 That The Georgian played a conspicuous part in obtaining the latest and most important confession from Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, in which he admitted his complicity in the crime, was the declaration of…

Saturday, 31st May 1913 Plan to Confront Conley and Frank for New Admission
Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 31st, 1913 Police Hope Meeting Will Prove Whether Negro Will Stick to Latest Story Under Eyes of the Man He Accuses—Ready to Pay Penalty. A determined effort is being made by the police department to bring…

Saturday, 31st May 1913 Conley Star Actor in Dramatic Third Degree
Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 31st, 1913 In all the grim annals of Atlanta's criminal history an illiterate negro, Jim Conley, stands out to-day the principal figure in one of the most remarkable and dramatically impressive "third degrees" ever administered by…

Saturday, 31st May 1913 Special Session of Grand Jury Called
Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 31st, 1913 Will Reconvene Next Tuesday for Routine Business Only, Declares Foreman Beck. Lewis H. Beck, foreman of the Fulton County Grand Jury, which has been called to meet in special session at 10 o'clock next…