HARRY DENHAM, Sworn In For The State, 48th To Testify
HARRY DENHAM, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the fourth floor of the pencil factory. I was paid off Friday,April 25th. I came back Saturday to do some work. Mr. Darleyasked me to come back. I had to work on…
MISS HATTIE HALL, Sworn In For The State, 41st To Testify
`MISS HATTIE HALL, sworn for the defendant.I am a stenographer for the National Pencil Company. I do most ofthe work in the office of Montag Bros. Whenever it is necessary I godown to the National Pencil factory and do work…
SIGMUND MONTAG, Sworn In For The State, 79th To Testify
SIGMUND MONTAG, sworn for the Defendant.I am engaged in manufacturing stationery. I am treasurer of theNational Pencil Company. The company receives its mail at my office,which is two blocks from the pencil factory. Frank comes to my officeevery day of…
ANNIE HIXON, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 66th To Testify
ANNIE HIXON (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am Mrs. Ursenbach's servant. Mr. Frank called up on the telephoneabout half past one on April 26th. I told him Mr. Ursenbach wasnot in and he said "Tell Mr. Charlie I can't go…
COHEN LOEB, Sworn In For The State, 58th To Testify
COHEN LOEB, sworn for the Defendant.I was on the car with Mr. Frank going back to town on April 26thafter lunch. I caught the car at Georgia Avenue and Washington Street.He caught the car at Glenn and Washington Street which…
I STRAUSS, Sworn In For The State, 78th To Testify
I. STRAUSS, sworn for the Defendant.I was at the home of Mrs. Selig, Saturday night, playing cards. Igot there about 10:30. Mr. Frank let me in. While we played he wassitting in the hall reading. I could see him through…
MISS MARY PIRK, Sworn In For The State, 62nd To Testify
MISS MARY PIRK, sworn for the Defendant.I am one of the foreladies working at the National Pencil Co. I amat the head of the polishing department. I have been there about fiveyears. I talked with Jim Conley Monday morning after…
MISS CORINTHIA HALL, Sworn In For The State, 42nd To Testify
MISS CORINTHIA HALL, sworn for the Defendant.I work in the finishing up department of the pencil factory. I am aforelady. I was at the factory on April 26th, I got there about 25 minutesto twelve. I had to come to…
JULIAN LOEB, Sworn In For The State, 57th To Testify
JULIAN LOEB, sworn for the Defendant.I live at 380 Washington Street, across the street from the Wolfsheimer residence. I am a cousin of Mrs. Frank. I saw Mr. Frank onApril 26th in front of the Wolfsheimer residence. I was there…
H J HINCHEY, Sworn In For The State, 59th To Testify
H. J. HINCHEY, sworn for the Defendant.I have known Mr. Frank between four and five years. I am mechanical engineer for the South Atlantic Blow Pipe Co. I saw Mr. Frank on April 26th opposite the main entrance to the…