J R LEACH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 112th To Testify

J. R. LEACH, sworn for the Defendant.I am division superintendent of the Ga. Rwy. & Power Co.I know the schedule of the Georgia Avenue line and the Washington Street line.The Georgia Avenue line leaves Broad and Marietta on the hour…

DR WILLIS F WESTMORELAND, Sworn In For The Defendant, 117th To Testify

DR. WILLIS F. WESTMORELAND, sworn for the Defendant.DIRECT EXAMINATION.A practicing physician for twenty-eight years, general practice and surgery.A professor of surgery for twenty years, and formerly president of the State Board of Health.If the body of a girl between thirteen…

DR W S KENDRICK, Sworn In For The Defendant, 119th To Testify

DR. W. S. KENDRICK, sworn for the Defendant.I have been a practicing physician for thirty-five years.I was Dean of the Atlanta Medical College.I gave Dr. Harris his first position there.If a young lady between thirteen and fourteen years of age…

Introduction to the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, July 28th, 1913 to August 21st, 1913, in the Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913 STATE OF GEORGIA VERSUS LEO M. FRANK In Fulton Superior Court, trial began July 28th and ended August 21st, 1913. Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, presiding. Conviction of murder at July term on…

W M MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 177th To Testify

W. M. MATTHEWS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have talked with this man Dobbs (W. C.) but I don't know what Italked about. I have never told him or anybody that I saw Mary Phaganget off the car with…

ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 21st To Testify

ALBERT Mc Knight, Colored, sworn for the State.My wife is Minola Mc Knight. She cooks for Mrs. Selig. Between 1and 2 o'clock on Memorial Day I was at the home of Mr. Frank to see mywife. He came in close…


In reply to the statement of the boy that he saw me talking to Mary Phagan when she backed away from me, that is absolutely false, that never occurred. In reply to the two girls, Robinson and Hewel, that they…

G C FEBRUARY, Sworn In For The State, 20th To Testify

G. C. FEBRUARY, sworn for the State.I was present at Chief Lanford's office when Leo M. Frank and L. Z.Rosser were there. I took down Mr. Frank's statement stenographically.I don't remember Frank's answers in detail, Mr. Rosser was looking outof…

E F HOLLOWAY, Sworn In For The State, 17th To Testify

  E. F. HOLLOWAY, sworn for the State. I am day watchman at the National Pencil factory-worked there two years. I was there on April 26th, from 6:30 a. m. till 11:45. I look after the elevator and freight that…

W F ANDERSON, Sworn In For The State, 19th To Testify

W. F. ANDERSON, sworn for the State.I was at police headquarters Saturday, April 26th. I got a call fromthe night, watchman at the pencil factory. He said a woman was dead atthe factory. I asked him if it was a…