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Tuesday, 30th September 1913 Frank Ready For New Fight Rosser Ready. Roan Will Hear Frank Argument

The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 30th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.SOLICITOR EXPECTED TO SEEK DELAYDefense to File Plea for New TrialWednesday State FacesDifficult Task.Fight for the life of Leo M. Frank, sentenced to be hanged Oct 10, 1913, for the murder of…
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Sunday, 5th October 1913 Indefinite Respite Is Given Frank As Juror Charges Flood

The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 5.Hearing of Motion for New Trial IsPostponed on Motion of SolicitorDorsey. Henslee Indignantly DeniesAllegation That He Was Biased.Confronted by 173 pages of alleged errors made by the trial judge, nine volumes of evidence and…
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Monday, 22nd September 1913 Judge Roan Not To Hear Frank Trial Motion

The atlanta Georgian,Monday, 22nd September 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 6.JUDGE ROAN NOTTO HEAR FRANKTRIAL MOTIONFour Superior Judges Will ElectOne of Their Number toPass on Plea.The puzzle in regard to the judge who will hear the motion for a new trial for…
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Wednesday, 24th September 1913 Detective Black Not Blamed For Fighting

The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 24th September 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Chief Beavers received a letter Tuesday morning from George Bodeker, of Birmingham, defending Detective John Black in the latter's recent trouble at Birmingham.Bodeker asserts that Black was not to blame for the…
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Thursday, 25th September 1913 Recall To Apply To All Big Offices

The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 25th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Initiation and Referendum Addedto Old Charter WoodwardDelighted.By the adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall amendment to the city charger the votes of Atlanta can recall Mayor James G. Woodward, Recorder Nash…
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Thursday, 18th September 1913 Jews Are Organizing To Stop Defamation

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 18th September 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 5.Chicago. September 17 Prominent Jews today organized the Anti-Defamation League of America, whose object will be to stop by appeals to reason and conscience, and if necessary, by appeals to law, the…
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Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Witnesses Called To Stand To Testify Against Frank

The Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, 2nd August 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 3. Phone by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer. From left to right: Mrs. George W. Jefferson, who was a witness on Thursday morning; R. P. Barrett, who testified to finding…
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Thursday, 7th August 1913 Their Testimony Will Have Direct Bearing On Leo Frank’s Case

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 7th August 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Conley Leaving Courtroom After TestimonyPhoto by Francis E Price, Staff Photographer.Left to right: Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford, Jim Conley and Chief of Police James L. Beavers.PAGE 4, COLUMN 2SOLICITOR HUGH DORSEY.Thursday,…
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Tuesday, 29th April 1913 I Am Not Guilty, Says John M. Gantt

Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, April 29th, 1913 "I Was Not in Love With Mary and She Was Not With Me," Asserts Man Accused of Murder. "I did not kill Mary Phagan. I haven't seen her within a month. They accuse me…
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Monday, 28th April 1913 Girl is Assaulted and then Murdered in Heart of Town, The Atlanta Constitution

Atlanta Constitution Monday, April 28th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 6) Chum Identifies Victim as Mary Phagan, of 146 Lindsay Street, Then Swoons. Girl Had Just Resigned From National Pencil Company, in Which Plant Her Body Was Found. MOTHER AND FATHER…