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Sunday, 11th May 1913 City Detectives Theory of Phagan Murder Outlined

    Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 11th, 1913 The Journal Presents First Complete Statement of Case Solicitor and His Investigators Seek to Build HOW DETECTIVES THINK CRIME WAS COMMITTED They Maintain That Mary Phagan Was Left Unconscious in Factory Near…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 With Two Men Held in Tower, Mystery of Murder Deepens

  Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 Belief That the Detectives Had Positive Evidence, Which They Were Withholding, Dissipated by Admissions SCOTT AND BLACK REFUSED TO NAME MAN SUSPECTED Case Now Goes to the Grand Jury but No Action Is…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Newt Lee Tells of the Talk He Had in the Police Station

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 2) Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, was recalled and asked to tell about any conversation he had with Mr. Frank at the jail or the police station. Lee said…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Superintendent Frank is Once More Put on Witness Stand

    Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 Leo M. Frank general superintendent of the National Pencil factory, was recalled to the stand. He was questioned regarding the elevator. The coroner wanted to know what kind of a door there…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Investigation Just Begun Says Detective Lanford

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 20, Column 4) General satisfaction was expressed Friday morning by the detectives working on the Phagan case at the action of the coroner's jury. Chief of Detectives Lanford, however, declares that the…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Here is Testimony of Witnesses Given at the Final Session of Coroner’s Jury in Phagan Case

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 1) Full Story of Hearing Thursday Afternoon When Frank, Newt Lee, Detectives Black and Scott and Several Character Witnesses Were Placed on the Stand The verdict of the coroner's jury…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Detective Harry Scott’s Testimony as Given Before Coroner’s Jury

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 1) An unexpected turn was given to the coroner's inquest into the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan, Thursday afternoon, when Harry Scott, the Pinkerton detective who has been representing that…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Detective John Black Tells the Jury His Views on the Phagan Case

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 1) Detective John Black followed Detective Scott on the stand. He was questioned about the finding of the bloody shirt at Newt Lee's home. He said that on the Tuesday…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Coroner Donehoo Points Out the Law to the Jurors

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 5) The coroner's charge to the jury was in part as follows: "You have heard the statement of the county physician. You have seen what caused death. You have seen…
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Friday, 9th May 1913 Character Witnesses are Called in the Case by City Detectives

The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 5) Tom Backstock, of 21 Hightower street, a youth of about sixteen or seventeen years, testified that he worked at the pencil factory about a year ago. He didn't know…