L S DOBBS, Sworn In For The State, 4th To Testify
L. S. DOBBS, Sworn for the State.I am Sergeant of police. On the morning of April 27th, about 3:25 a call came from the pencil factory that there was a murder up there. We went down in Boots Rogers' automobile.…
C B DALTON, Sworn In For The State, 32nd To Testify
C. B. DALTON, sworn for the State.I know Leo M. Frank, Daisy Hopkins, and Jim Conley. I have visited the National Pencil Company three, four or five times. I have been in the office of Leo M. Frank two or…
JOHN R BLACK, Sworn In For The State, 8th To Testify
JOHN R. BLACK, sworn for the State. I am a city policeman. I don't know the details of the conversation between Mr. Starnes and Mr. Frank over the 'phone. I didn't pay very much attention to it. I went…
MISS GRACE HICKS, Sworn In For The State, 7th To Testify
MISS GRACE HICKS, sworn for the State.I knew Mary Phagan nearly a year at the pencil factory. She worked on the second floor. I identified her body at the undertaker's Sunday morning, April 27th. I knew her by her hair.…
R L WAGGONER, Sworn In For The State, 23rd To Testify
R. L. WAGGONER, sworn for the State.I am a city detective. On Tuesday, April 29th, from ten thirty untila little after 11 in the morning I was in front of the pencil factory on theother side of the street. I…
NEWT LEE, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 3rd To Testify
NEWT LEE. (colored), sworn for the State.On the 26th day of April 1913, I was night watchman at the national Pencil Factory. I had been night watchman there for about three weeks. When I began working there, Mr. Frank carried…
DR H F HARRIS, Sworn In For The State, 31st To Testify
DR. H. F. HARRIS, sworn for the State.I am a practicing physician. I made an examination of the body ofMary Phagan on May 5th. On removing the skull I found there was noactual break of the skull, but a little…
J N STARNES, Sworn In For The State, 5th To Testify
J. N. STARNES, Sworn for the State.I am a city officer. Went to the pencil Company's place of business between five and six o'clock, April 27th 1913. The pencil company is located in Fulton County, Georgia, and that's where the…
W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 6th To Testify
W. W. ROGERS, sworn for the State.I am now connected with Judge Girardeau's court. I was at the station house Saturday night, April 26th, 1913 and went to the National Pencil Company's place of business. It was between five and…
W H GREESLING, Sworn In For The State, 28th To Testify
W. H. GREESLING, sworn for the State.I am a funeral director and embalmer. I moved the body of MaryPhagan at 10 minutes to four o'clock, April 27th, in the morning. Thecord (Exhibit C, State) was around the neck. The knot…