HARLEE BRANCH, Sworn In For The State, 97th To Testify
HARLEE BRANCH, sworn for the Defendant.I work for the Atlanta Journal. I had an interview with Jim Conleyon two occasions. On May 31st, he told me he didn't see the purse ofthis little girl. He said that it took about…
ALONZO MANN, Sworn In For The State, 68th To Testify
ALONZO MANN, sworn for the Defendant.I am office boy at the National Pencil Company. I began workingthere April 1, 1913. I sit sometimes in the outer office and stand aroundin the outer hall. I left the factory at half past…
M J GOLDSTEIN, Sworn In For The State, 77th To Testify
M. J. GOLDSTEIN, sworn for the Defendant.I played cards Saturday night, April 26th, at Mrs. Selig's house, Igot there about 8:15. We played in the dining room. Mr. Frank was sittingin the hall. There was nothing unusual about him, no…
OSCAR PAPPENHEIMER, Sworn In For The State, 72nd To Testify
OSCAR PAPPENHEIMER, sworn for the Defendant.I am in the furniture business. I am also a stockholder of the NationalPencil Company. I have been getting comparative sheets as tothe weekly business of the Company from Frank since March, 1910. Upto the…
MILTON KLEIN, Sworn In For The State, 94th To Testify
MILTON KLEIN, sworn for the Defendant.I saw Mr. Frank last Thanksgiving evening at a dance given by theB'nai B'rith at the Hebrew Orphans' Home. I also saw him that sameafternoon between half past four and six o'clock. The dance lasted…
LEMMIE QUINN, Sworn In For The State, 47th To Testify
LEMMIE QUINN, sworn for the Defendant.I am foreman of the metal department. Barrett pointed out to mewhere he claimed to have found blood spots on the metal room floor. Heasked me whether I thought that he (Barrett) would get the…
C F URSENBACH, Sworn In For The State, 73rd To Testify
C. F. URSENBACH, sworn for the Defendant.I married a sister of Mrs. Leo Frank. I phoned him on Friday andasked him if he would go to the baseball game Saturday. He said hedidn't know, he might go and would phone…
J C MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 67th To Testify
J. C. MATTHEWS, sworn for the Defendant.I was at Montag Brothers on April 26th. I saw Mr. Frank in theoffice of Montag Bros., in the morning of that day. I couldn't give youthe exact time. I work at Montag Bros.J…
MRS M MARCUS, Sworn In For The State, 76th To Testify
MRS. M. MARCUS, sworn for the Defendant.I am no relation of Mr. or Mrs. Frank. I saw Mr. Frank at half pasteight or a quarter to nine in the evening on April 26th, at Mrs. Selig'sresidence. We played cards there.…
MRS C F URSENBACH, Sworn In For The State, 74th To Testify
MRS. C. F. URSENBACH, sworn for the Defendant.I am Mrs. Leo Frank's sister. I received a telephone message forMr. Ursenbach from Mr. Frank through my cook on Saturday at halfpast one. I saw no scratches, bruises, or marks on Mr.…