Sunday, 10th August 1913 Witness Found Who Saw Mary Phagan on Way to Factory
Atlanta JournalAugust 10th, 1913 George T. Kendley, Street Car Conductor, Declares He Saw Little Girl About Noon on April 26 as She Stepped From Curb on Forsyth Street Bridge to Cross Alabama Street, Where His Car Was Stopped BOTH SIDES…

Sunday, 10th August 1913 Playing Practical Jokes on Watchful Bailiffs is Pastime of Frank Jurors
Anybody who has the mistaken idea that it's fine to be a juror in a big murder trial has only to see Artist Brewerton's illustration above, of the way the twelve men who are to decide Leo M. Frank's fate…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Many Experts Called by Defense to Answer Dr. H. F. Harris
Atlanta JournalAugust 11th, 1913 DR. GEORGE BACHMAN GIVES TESTIMONY TO SHOW HARRIS SIMPLY HAZARDED A GUESS Professor of Physiology at Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons Declares Dr. Harris Is the Only Doctor He Knows Who Would Undertake to Express…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Sunday Proves Day of Meditation for Four Frank Jurors
Atlanta JournalAugust 11th, 1913 Sunday apparently brought reflection and repentance to one aspiring member of the Frank juror, while three others after due consideration of the heat and other things, spent a part of their $2 per day. Juror Townsend,…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Frank Case Mentioned for First Time in House
Atlanta JournalAugust 11th, 1913 For the first time this session, mention of the case of Leo M. Frank, on trial for his life for the murder of fourteen-year-old Mary Phagan, was made today in the house of representatives. Representative Slater…

Tuesday, 12th August 1913 C. B. Daltons Character Shown Up by Frank Defense; Four Witnesses Swear They Would Not Believe His Oath
Atlanta JournalAugust 12th, 1913 DALTON ADMITS HE SERVED A CHAINGANG SENTENCE FOR THEFT OF A "SHOP HAMMER" Miss Hattie Hall Swears She Was In Frank's Office Between 11 and 12 o'Clock and That Superintendent Did No Work on Finance Sheet…

Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Ethics of Dr. H. F. Harris Bitterly Attacked By Reuben Arnold
Atlanta JournalAugust 12th, 1913 Sensational Charge Hurled By Physician in Testimony Given at Afternoon Session Dr. Westmoreland, Answering Question of Attorney Reuben R. Arnold, Declares He Never Heard of a Chemist Who Had Made Examination by Himself and Then Destroyed…

Wednesday, 13th August 1913 Franks Character Made Issue by the Defense
Atlanta JournalAugust 13th, 1913 ACTION A CHALLENGE TO STATE TO PUT UP WITNESSES IN REBUTTAL WHO OTHERWISE COULDN'T TESTIFY Lemmie Quinn, Foreman In Metal Room, Tells the Jury He Visited Factory on Saturday, April 26, and Found Frank at His…

Wednesday, 13th August 1913 Franks Lawyers Again Threaten Move for Mistrial
Atlanta JournalAugust 13th, 1913 Questions Asked by Dorsey Of Office Boy at Factory Ruled Out After Argument Attorney Reuben R. Arnold Declares That Any Further Testimony Along Lines of That Sought by the Solicitor During Examination of Philip Chambers Will…

Thursday, 14th August 1913 Franks Story of Before and After Crime Corroborated; Defenses Motion to Strike Sensational Questions Fails
Atlanta JournalAugust 14th, 1913 FRANK WAS SEEN BY WITNESSES ON HIS WAY TO AND FROM HOME DAY LITTLE GIRL WAS KILLED Solicitor Declares That Outburst of Yesterday Should Not Be Allowed and That as There Is Further Unpleasant Testimony to…