Friday, 2nd May 1913 Dorsey Puts Own Sleuths Onto Phagan Slaying Case
Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 2nd, 1913 200 Witnesses To Be Called When Inquest Into Slaying of Factory Girl Is Resumed Next Monday—Detectives Are Busy. Coroner Declares Inquiry Will Not Be Made Hastily—Every Clew To Be Probed Thoroughly. Lee…

Friday, 2nd May 1913 Police Still Puzzled by Mystery of Phagan Case
Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 2nd, 1913 200 Witnesses To Be Called When Inquest Into Slaying of Factory Girl Is Resumed Next Monday—Felder to Aid State. The exact facts in the Phagan case as this edition of The Georgian…

Saturday, 3rd May 1913 Analysis of Blood Stains May Solve Phagan Mystery
Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 3rd, 1913 Three Former Employees at Pencil Factory Are Summoned to Testify. Expected That Frank and Watchman Will Be Questioned Further. It was reported to-day that three young women, former employees of the National…

Sunday, 4th May 1913 Gov. Brown on the Phagan Case
Let the Law Take Its Course, He Says ‘Guilty Will Be Punished, Innocent Free' Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 4th, 1913 I desire to commend, with all the emphasis at my command, the Hearst newspapers' timely suggestion to the people…

Sunday, 4th May 1913 Grand Jury to Take Up Phagan Case To-morrow
Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 4th, 1913 The uncertainty that has marked every phase in the case of Mary Phagan probably will be somewhat removed when the new Fulton County Grand Jury for the May term of the Superior…

Sunday, 4th May 1913 Old Police Reporter Analyzes Mystery Phagan Case Solution Far Off, He Says
Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 4th, 1913 Problem of Slaying in Pencil Factory One That Never May Be Cleared, Declares Crime Expert. BY AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. Perhaps as many of the great murder mysteries of history have been…

Sunday, 4th May 1913 Dr. John E. White Writes on the Phagan Case
Dr. John E. White Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 4th, 1913 Draws a Lesson From the Shocking Occurrence of a Week Ago, and Urges Confidence in the Courage of the Law. By DR. JOHN E. WHITE. Pastor of the…

Sunday, 4th May 1913 Slayer of Mary Phagan May Still be at Large
Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 4th, 1913 The mystery of the death of pretty Mary Phagan enters upon its second week to-day with the police authorities admitting that they are still without a conclusive solution. So far as the…

Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Harris Testimony May Be Stricken by Court
Atlanta JournalAugust 2nd, 1913 Question Will Be Solved by Physician's Recovery and Return to Stand If Dr. H. F. Harris, secretary of the state board of health, is not physically able to be presented in the court room before the…

Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Miss Smith Declares Darley Was Incorrect
Atlanta JournalAugust 2nd, 1913 Miss Mattie Smith has given The Journal a statement in which she says that a part of the testimony of N. V. Darley at the Frank trial in reference to her was not true. Mr. Darley…