Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Dr. Harris Collapses on Stand as He Gives Sensational Evidence
Atlanta JournalAugust 2nd, 1913 Physician Testifies at Frank Trial That Mary Phagan Met Death Half Hour After Lunch—Describes Wounds Secretary of State Board of Health Compelled to Leave the Witness Stand on Account of Illness In the midst of sensational…

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Trial Thus Far Has Only Established Murder of the Girl
Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 Tuesday Afternoon's Session Hears of Beginning of Police Investigation Into Mystery of Mary Phagan's Murder Following in the sequence which it began with the introduction of the first witness, the prosecution of the murder charge against…

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Uncle of Frank, Near Death in Far-Off Hospital, Is Ignorant Of Charges, Against His Nephew
Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 Moses Frank Has Been Given No Inkling of Circumstances That Now Are About Frank Family—He Is Seriously Ill in German Hospital Lying at the point of death in a hospital in far-off Germany is the uncle…

Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Witness Saw Slain Girl and Man at Factory Door
Atlanta Georgian Wednesday April 30th, 1913 J. G. Spier followed Newt Lee on the stand. He lives at Cartersville, Georgia Q. Were you about the National Pencil Company plant? A. Yes, sir; we walked over to the Terminal station…

Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Writing Test Points to Negro
Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, April 30th, 1913 Experts Declare Note Written by Lee Resembles That Found Near Slain Girl. Handwriting experts said to-day that they were able to determine a resemblance between the handwriting of Newt Lee, the negro watchman…

Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Sisters New Story Likely to Clear Gantt as Suspect
A photographic study of the victim in the strangling mystery showing the sad expression in her eyes. Another picture of the Phagan girl in a studious pose. The child was strikingly pretty and the pictures here shown are from…

Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Negro Watchman is Accused by Slain Girl’s Stepfather
Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, April 29th, 1913 That Mary Phagan never left the factory after she entered it at 12:15 o'clock Saturday, the day of her murder, and that she was killed and her body dragged into the basement by…

Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Nude Dancers Pictures Upon Factory Walls
Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, April 29th, 1913 Suggestive Illustrations Clipped From Magazines Pasted Up About Scene of Tragedy. Pictures of Salome dancers in scanty raiment, and of chorus girls in different postures adorned the walls of the National Pencil Company's…

Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Pastor Prays for Justice at Girls Funeral
Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, April 29th, 1913 Mother and Aunt of Mary Phagan Swoon at Burial in Marietta This Morning. A thousand persons saw a minister of God raise his hands to heaven to-day and heard him call for divine…

Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Seek Clew in Queer Words in Odd Notes
Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, April 29th, 1913 Who Would Be the Most Interested in Saying That the Night Watchman Did Not Do It? While the tendency of the police straight through has seemed to be to doubt that Mary Phagan,…