Thursday, 17th July 1913 Effort Being Made to Indict Negro Conley
The Atlanta Journal Thursday, July 17, 1913 Foreman Beattie of Grand Jury, However, Says He Knows of No Such Move W.D. Beattie, foreman of the grand jury, declares that "so far as he knows" there is no intention on the…
Friday, 18th July 1913 Broyles Comes Back at Mayor Woodward and Mayor at Him
The Atlanta Journal Friday, July 18, 1913 *Editor's Note: Small sections of text are missing due to scanning near a crease. Recorder Says Mayor Is Defeating Justice and Impeding Officers in Their Attempts to Check Crime MAYOR STYLES BROYLES "A…
Friday, 18th July 1913 Grand Jury Is Called Monday to Indict Jim Conley
The Atlanta Journal Friday, July 18, 1913 *Editor's Note: Small sections of text are missing due to scanning near a crease. GRAND JURY CALLED TO TAKE UP MATTER OVER DORSEY'S HEAD Foreman W.D. Beattie Calls Body to Meet Monday and…
Friday, 18th July 1913 Pinkertons Now Declare Leo M. Frank Is Innocent
The Atlanta Journal Friday, July 18, 1913 *Editor's Note: Small sections of text are missing due to scanning near a crease. NOTED SLEUTHS WHO HAD ACCUSED FRANK NOW CHANGE THEORY Harry Scott, Field Chief of the Pinkertons, Refuses to Discuss…
Saturday, 19th July 1913 Jury Is Determined to Consider a Bill Against Jim Conley
The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 19, 1913 Protest of Solicitor Fails to Stop Session to Consider Phagan Evidence on Monday DORSEY STILL BELIEVES JURY WON'T INDICT Solicitor Says Frank Defense Wants Jury to Try Him Drawn From the Grand Jury…
Tuesday, 15th July 1913 Mincey Affidavit Not New to the Solicitor
The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, July 15, 1913 State Officials Refuse to Consider Seriously Statement of Insurance Agent Despite the claim that many witnesses to corroborate the assertions of W.H. Mincey, the insurance agent and school teacher who claims that Conley…
Wednesday, 16th July 1913 Second Phagan Indictment Probable
The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, July 16, 1913 *Editor's Note: A small section of text is missing from the article due to scanning blur near a page fold. CONLEY NEGRO MAY BE INDICTED OVER DORSEY'S PROTEST New Grand Jury Will Take…
Thursday, 4th September 1913 Frank Trial Bills Are Ordered Paid
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 4th September 1913.PAGE 3, Column 1Lodging and Food for the Juryfor 29 Days Cost$975.06Bills arising from the trial of Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old employee in the plant of the…
Wednesday, 17th September 1913 Say Partee Shot In Self-defense
The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 17th September 1913.PAGE 20, COLUMN 3Witnesses Tell Grand Jury Jack-Son Killing Was Justified NoBill' Asked for Newt Lee.That W. D. Partee, a locomotive engineer, who on July 28 shot and killed Samuel Jackson, another engineer, in the…
Friday, 5th September 1913 Grand Jury May Act On Jim Conley Today
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 5th September 1913.PAGE 7, COLUMN 5The new grand jury will meet today, and there is much speculation rife as to whether or not this grand jury will take up the charge against Jim Conley, negro sweeper at…